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Proceedings Articles

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Cover Cover
The influence of laqab and kuniyah in hadith sanad criticism PDF (1-13)
Andi Mujahidil Ilman SM, Abustani Ilyas, Darsul Puyu, Sitti Asiqah Usman Ali
Teaching of tarekat khalwatiyah samman in instrumenting akhlaqul karimah values jamaah in Wajo district (Islamic educational perspective) PDF (14-28)
Andi Najamuddin, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Aminah Asiz
Implications of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) for the economy in Indonesia PDF (29-41)
Ahmad Nouruzzaman, Muslimin Kara, Muammar M. Bakry, Sirajuddin Sirajuddin
The analysis of PPDB zoning system implementation in improving the quality of education at state high school level of Enrekang Regency PDF (42-54)
Andi Ikbal Malik, Sitti Mania, Andi Marjuni, Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid
تطبيق المسكن العربي لترقية مهارة الكلام لدى طلاب قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة المحمدية الإسلامية سنجائي PDF (55-60)
أمران أر, أزهر أرشد, عمرة قاسم, هنيئة هنيئة
The meaning of “Maduppa” cultural tradition and its application as local values of the bugis tribe in Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi PDF (61-78)
Andi Karmila, Tuti Bahfiarti, Muhammad Farid
Conflict and tension between the unity and diversity of society from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study on the determination of the beginning of the hijri month in Indonesia PDF (79-89)
Alamsyah Alamsyah, Kurniati Kurniati, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Mursyid Fikri
Realizing pancasila student profiles in the school environment through the internalization of character islamic education PDF (90-102)
Sugisman Sugisman, Darma Darma
Islamic private law In the socio-cultural frame PDF (103-120)
Munawar Rahim
Development of english learning modules integrated with Islamic values PDF (121-133)
Suhrah Suhrah, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
Towards a more interactive learning: implementation of mind mapping in teaching materials for islamic religious education curriculum review PDF (134-146)
Suarni Suarni, Muh. Khalifah Mustami, Misykat Malik Ibrahim, Amrah Kasim
Participation and utilization of national health insurance (NHI) for seaweed farmers in sanrobone district, Takalar regency PDF (147-158)
Sitti Raodhah, Fais Satrianegara, Andi Susilawati, Rida Wahida, Nurfahmiatunnisa Nurfahmiatunnisa, Irwan Duhung
Islamic extension counseling da'wah strategy in an effort to change community attitude patterns in Bantaeng Regency PDF (159-167)
Jumading Ali, H. Abd. Rasyid Masri, H. Kamaluddin Tajibu, Gustia Tahir
Implementation of Islamic inheritance law in kindang district of Bulukumba Regency: a case study in 2020-2022 PDF (168-174)
Andi Sani Silwana, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Supardin Supardin, Husnul Maabi
The implementation of Merdeka Belajar curriculum policy at state Islamic senior high school (MAN) Wajo PDF (175-190)
Abdul Wahid Hasyim, Syarifuddin Ondeng, A. Marjuni, Andi Achruh
The history of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien III’s thought on Syair Perlembagaan Negeri Brunei PDF (191-213)
Anisah Alamshah, Ahmad M. Sewang, Syamzan Syukur
Multicultural education PDF (214-221)
Ansani Ansani
Various models of esoteric interpretation PDF (222-232)
Alamsyah Halim, Muhsin Mahfudz, M. Sadik Sabry, La Ode Ismail Ahmad
The concept of Islamic economic equality with mechanism panai’ money in Bugis community marriage: a literature review PDF (233-243)
Asriadi Arifin, Muslimin H. Kara, Rahman Ambo Masse, Muzdalifah Muhammadun
The use of metaverse technology as a learning model for virtual reality-based industrial control engineering course PDF (244-248)
A. Muhammad Syafar, Hamsu Abd. Gani, Muhammad Agung
The essence of marriage registration: Indonesians’ urf perspectives PDF (249-254)
Abd. Basir, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Kurniati Kurniati, Abdul Wahid Haddade
Transformation of non-formal education in the agricultural zakat practice PDF (255-273)
Abdullah Thahir, Syaharuddin Usman, Andi Marjuni, Ahmad Musyahid
The region of Sindh and India from ancient times until the end of the Umayyah era PDF (274-302)
Falah Dahham Sabbar, Indo Santalia, Hammad Farhan Hammadi, Abdul Kahar
The evaluation of the implementation google form application training PDF (303-311)
Adiyana Adam
Optimization of tahfizh teachers' competencies in improving santri memory in tahfizhul qur'an ‎‎ Islamic Boarding School Darul Istiqamah, Maros district PDF (312-328)
Amalia Syurgawi, Syahruddin Usman, Sitti Mania, Munawir Kamaluddin
The efforts of school librarians in providing students’ learning resources in the madrasah library PDF (329-337)
Aminuddin Aminuddin, Fatri Ardiansyah, Tawakkal Tawakkal, Riswan Riswan, Nasrullah Nasrullah
Epidemiological characteristics and sleep quality in covid-19 survivors in Nuha district, east Luwu regency in 2021 PDF (338-349)
Azriful Azriful, Syamsul Alam, Sukma Wardani, Rini Jusriani
Teachers’ perceptions of integrative thematic teaching materials in learning local wisdom values PDF (350-358)
Ahmad Munawir, Muhammad Yaumi, Umar Sulaiman, Ulfiani Rahman
The analysis of the concept of religious moderation education in the story of prophet khidir (as) and moses (as) in surah al-kahfi PDF (359-374)
Amiril Mueminin, Amrah Kasim, M Rusdi T, Munawir Kamaluddin
Conflict and tension between the unity and diversity in society of islamic law perspective PDF (375-387)
Arifin Noor Aziz
The concept of integrated government internal control system as a literacy discourse to minimize fraud in the government environment PDF (388-395)
Asmin Asmin, Muammar Bakry, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Agus Muhsin, Ramadan Ramadan
The implementation of intellectual education in islamic higher education PDF (396-408)
Baso Syafaruddin, Bahaking Rama, Arifuddin Siraj, Hamzah Harun
The effect of maternal parity on the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at the pampang health center Makassar PDF (409-416)
Hamraa Bachtiar, Alifia Ayu Delima, Nadyah Haruna
Factors affecting the teaching motivation of elementary school/madrasah ibtidaiyah teachers in west kalimantan PDF (417-427)
Eliyah Eliyah, Bahaking Rama, Erwin Hafid, Afifuddin Harisah
Implementation of educational values ‎ Islam in lempu bugis local wisdom' na ‎getteng in kahu district community PDF (428-441)
Baso Baso, Natsir Mahmud, Sitti Mania, Syamsudduha Syamsudduha
Development management of the tahsin al-qur'an program PDF (442-459)
Hisbullah Huda, Nasir Mahmud, Amrah Kasim, Baharuddin Baharuddin
The fundraising strategies for optimizing Zakat collection at BAZNAS Gorontalo province PDF (460-474)
Faisal Pakaya, Lomba Sultan, Sofyan A.P Kau, Abdul Wahid Haddade
The implementation of the principle of contante justitie at Makassar Religious High Court in the information technology era PDF (475-490)
Mushlih Mushlih, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Andi Intan Cahyani
The existence of campaign practices in simultaneous local elections 2020 in Gorontalo province from the perspective of siyasa fiqh PDF (491-506)
Hendrik Imran, H. M. Ghalib, Abdul Wahid Haddade
The influence of intrapersonal communication and social support on quarter-life crisis PDF (507-512)
A. Rivai Beta, Sy. Nurul Syobah, M. Tahir, Sitti Syahar Inayah
The effectiveness of post-pandemic learning in aqidah akhlak lesson PDF (513-521)
Abdul Pandy
The strategy of Bait al-Maal Wa at-Tamwil (BMT) As'adiyah Sengkang in business development PDF (522-541)
Muhammad Nurdin Jamil, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Muslim H. Kara, Amiruddin K, Siradjuddin Siradjuddin, Umrati Umrati
Teacher’s self-efficacy in class management on student learning outcomes PDF (542-548)
Ermi Sola
Country regulations or policies: Problems of the situation of border communities in Temajuk PDF (549-554)
Azmi Azmi, Hashim Aidid, Kamaluddin Abunawas, Ahmad Musyahid
The implementation of restorative justice concept in the criminal justice system based on Maqashid Syariah PDF (555-567)
Denny Satria
Strategy for increasing the production of indi silk craftsman Sharia economic perspective in Wajo regency PDF (568-592)
Hasriadi Hasriadi, Muh Nasir Hamzah, Amiruddin K, Abdul Wahid Haddade
The concept of contemporary Islamic economics version of Muhammad Antonio Syafii (government policy in the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia) PDF (593-609)
I Nyoman Budiono, Muslimin Kara, Rahman Ambo Masse, Andi Bahri S
The role of integrated physics learning supplementary of Jamala Pond as a local wisdom in strengthening student’s communication skill PDF (610-616)
Muhammad Taqwin, Sitti Mania, Andi Achruh, Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid
Musculoskeletal disorders and management based on local wisdom for seaweed farmers in sanrobone district, Takalar Regency PDF (617-630)
Fatmawati Mallapiang, Azriful Azriful, Hasbi Ibrahim, Nur Ilmi Mardatillah, Ahmad Kurniawan, Asril Asril
The mysticism of Wadengo traditional medicine from a medical perspective: A case study of BPJS patients in a private dental practice in Gorontalo PDF (631-650)
Faisal Idrus Darussalam, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, H. A. Aderus, Gemy Nastity Handayany
The concept of sexual violence in the household in law no. 12 of 2022, about criminal acts of sexual violence from islamic family law PDF (651-660)
Indra Satriani, Lomba Sultan, Hamzah Hasan, Kurniati Kurniati
Students’ religious moderation at the Islamic Institute of As'adiyah Sengkang PDF (661-675)
Mansur Mansur, Bahaking Rama, Yuspiani Yuspiani, A. Aderus
Determination of Islamic law on new phenomena (the struggle between textual and reasoning approaches) PDF (678-686)
Yusuf Yusuf
Students' self-efficacy in learning PAI & 'budi pekerti' at SMPN 7 Makassar PDF (687-693)
Ratika Nengsi, Syahruddin Usman, Andi Achruh, Erwin Hafid
The influence of the school principal social competence on increasing accreditation at smk negeri 1 Barru PDF (694-704)
Baharuddin Baharuddin, Erwin Hafid, Musdalifah Musdalifah, Muh. Nur Idulfitri, Rahmat Gusnadi
The value of justice in the customary law of inheritance of the moi tribe between male heirs and female heirs in Sorong city: the perspective of maslahah PDF (705-712)
Muhammad Asykur Muchtar, Abd. Qadir Gassing, Sabri Samin, Muhammad Shuhufi
The concept of power division in the legislative process in Indonesia from the fiqhi siyasah dusturiyah perspective PDF (713-728)
Muhamad Syarif As’ad, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Andi Intan Cahyani, Muhammad Jauhari Mis’yan
Exploring the conceptual basis of smart learning environment PDF (729-746)
Sitti Fatimah Sangkala Sirate, Muhammad Yaumi, Bahaking Rama
Improving the quality of human resource performance through leadership (case: Islamic state senior high school 2 of Parepare) PDF (747-760)
Mujahidin Mujahidin, Moh. Natsir Mahmud, Usman Usman, Erwin Hafid, Nikmatullah Nur
The practicality of web-based basic english grammar material for the years students of english education department PDF (761-769)
Sitti Nurpahmi, Nur Aliyah Nur, Andira Andira, Asmawati Muhiddin
Evaluation of implementation of library automation system (SLiMS) 9 bulian in collection processing at smpn 1 Majene library PDF (770-781)
Ratna K, Iskandar Iskandar, Quraisy Mathar
The development of tic tac toe game media in biology learning of excretory system material for grade XI MAN 3 Bone students PDF (782-799)
Ainul Uyuni Taufiq, Lisra Pratama, Ummul Hasanah
Critical education paradigm in Islamic education perspective PDF (800-810)
Nurlathifah Thulfitrah B.
Critical analysis of Arabic language proficiency test in Indonesia PDF (811-817)
Raodhatul Jannah, Sabaruddin Garancang, Amrah Kasim, Darmawati Darmawati
Development of stem-integrated PjBL model to improve students’ scientific literacy competencies PDF (818-830)
Zulqarnain T, Abdul Kadir
Values of islamic education on the antarpakatan tradition in sambas muslim community weddings PDF (831-838)
Dewi Ferawati, Syahruddin Usman, Ulfiani Rahman, Sitti Mania
The analysis of Ibn Taimiyah's criticism against the religious philosophy of ikhwan al-Safa PDF (839-856)
Abdullah Nazhim Hamid, Hamzah Harun, Indo Santalia
The influence of islamic boarding school values linked to social competence and prosocial behavior after the pandemic PDF (857-877)
Ahmad Afif, Syafruddin Syafruddin, Amrah Kasim, Rusydi Rasyid, Wahyudin Naro, Rusdi Tahir, Suddin Bani
The role of non-formal Islamic education in fostering the religious life of the community in Pammana, Wajo PDF (878-887)
Muhammad As’ad
Meaning and realization of verses of tolerance in Indonesian local muslims: study in Lembang Kete'kesu, North Toraja, South Sulawesi PDF (888-900)
Rati Astuti, M. Galib M, Muhammad Sadik Sabry, Muhsin Mahfudz
Islamic service quality as an effort to increase customer trust PT. bank syariah Indonesia Makassar branch PDF (901-913)
Supriadi Supriadi, Nasir Hamzah, Muslimin H. Kara, M. Wahyuddin Abdullah, Asmila Dewi
The effect of the Islamic Human Development Index (I-HDI) on the number of poor populations in Bone regency, South Sulawesi from the maqashid al-shariah perspectives PDF (914-931)
A. Ika Fahrika, Achmad Abubakar, Hasyim Haddade
Good corporate governance: managerial ethics in the management of 'zakat profesi' at badan amil zakat Gorontalo PDF (932-945)
Romynenza Romynenza, Natsir Mahmud, A. Aderus, Indo Santalia, Naufal Ilma W
Digital transformation and policy anomalies in Islamic online education: a policy study on the use of online applications at the Islamic education department of IAIN Parepare PDF (946-958)
Rustan Efendy, Desy Pratiwi, Bahaking Rama, Saprin Saprin, Herdah Herdah
The narrator's challenges and their impact on the quality of hadith PDF (959-972)
Ruslan Daeng Materu, Arifuddin Ahmad, Abustany Ilyas, Zulfahmi Alwi
Sufistic achievements’ culmination from a methodological perspective PDF (973-984)
Sudirman Sudirman, Moh. Natsir Mahmud, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Firman Firman
Shahifatul Medina: between human rights education and religious moderation (analysis of the mawdu'i tafsir approach) PDF (985-1002)
Haeruddin Haeruddin, Achmad Abubakar, Mukhsin Mahfudz
Dynamics of modernizing the curriculum in boarding schools (a study of modern Islamic boarding schools in Bone regency) PDF (1003-1020)
Sadali Sadali, Syahruddin Usman, Muljono Damopoli, Andi Ahcruh
Google site as digital learning media in contemporary fiqh courses: a needs analysis PDF (1021-1036)
Sitti Maryam Gani, H. Syahruddin Usman, H. Andi Achruh, H. Andi Akmal
Anregurutta H. Muhammad Arsyad Lannu's processing movement (1950-2011 a.d.) in Soppeng district PDF (1037-1054)
Roslan Roslan, Abd. Rasyid M, Firdaus M, Suf Kasman
Controlling low birth weight (BBLR) cases with an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach in Makassar city PDF (1055-1060)
Rosdianah Rahim, Nadyah Haruna, Muhammad Nur Alamsyah Rajab
A comparative study of economic development between Brunei Darussalam and Kazakhstan PDF (1061-1073)
Saiful Arifin, Farahdilla Mutiara Khansa, Muh Ariskah, Miftahul Hair
The urgency of maqāṣid al-siyāsah in political ijtihad PDF (1074-1089)
Rapung Rapung
The use of online learning: EFL lecturers’ voices in Sambas’ border area PDF (1090-1100)
M. Sabiqul Huda, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Misykat Malik Ibrahim
A comparative study of the constitutional law of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates PDF (1101-1106)
Nurul Mentari, St. Hasnidar, Asrullah Asrullah, Muhammad Adrian Zaen, Salmawati Salmawati
Optimizing the role of women’s empowerment and child protection (PPPA) Bone Regency against implications the law No. 16 the year 2019 Maslahat perspective PDF (1107-1123)
Rasdiyanah Audiah Syarif, Lomba Sultan, Sabri Samin, Kurniati Kurniati
Land use change in suburban of Gowa Regency: responses of jama’ah An-Nadzir as religious community PDF (1124-1139)
Risma Handayani, Nurul Istiqamah Ulil Albab
The determination of stability in the determination of public law in Islam PDF (1140-1155)
Rostansar Rostansar, Kurniati Kurniati, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Andi Ahmad Nur Agsa
The discrepancy evaluation model in the cultivation of responsibility character at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Sambas PDF (1156-1166)
Mursidin Mursidin
The digitalization of da’wah based on the local wisdom of Indonesian society PDF (1167-1182)
Nirwan Wahyudi AR, Umar Sulaiman, Saenal Abidin, Alfiansyah Anwar
Comparison of teaching planning in learning activities PDF (1183-1195)
Nurmi Nurmi
Enhancing Arabic language learning through cultural acculturation: a case study from madrasah aliyah in Indonesia PDF (1196-1210)
Nurmiati Nurmiati, Sabaruddin Garancang, Haniah Haniah, Andi Abdul Hamzah
The Implementation of English material integrated with Islamic values for the eighth-grade students at MTs Madani Pao-Pao PDF (1211-1224)
Annisa Shofa Tsuraya, Mardiana Mardiana, Zaida Haiyun Sakinah Umar, Totok Gunawan, Muh. Rizaldy Taufiqrrahman, Nurul Aulia Ningsih, Andi Reskiyah Ramadhani, Windi Ashari
Effect of project-based learning on students' collaboration skills of Islamic Religious Education Department students at Singaperbangsa Karawang University PDF (1225-1236)
M. Makbul, Dewi Saputri R.
Mycoplasma genitalia and Ureaplasma urealyticum infection proportion in pregnant women with vaginitis PDF (1237-1244)
Nadyah Haruna, Mochammad Hatta, Firdaus Hamid, Baedah Madjid, Muhammad Ilhamjaya, Monika Fitria Farid, Esa Lestary, Syafri Syafri
Analysis of supply and demand from the perspective of Islamic thinkers from the classic to the contemporary age PDF (1245-1260)
Nahlah Nahlah, Irwan Misbach, Arfin Hamid, Muslimin Kara, Harbani Pasolong, M. Abdut Tawwab
The role of the Penghulu in minimizing divorce rates underhand (case study in the Karave Village community, Bulu Taba district, Pasangkayu, West Sulawesi) PDF (1261-1275)
Nawirman Nawirman, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Abd. Rauf Muhammad Amin, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin
The effectiveness of blended learning models on students’ learning outcomes in technology courses: a study in the Islamic Religious Education Program at STAI YAPIS Takalar PDF (1276-1286)
Nurqadriani Nurqadriani, Sitti Mania, Muzakkir Muzakkir, Muh. Yusuf T., Nurjannah Nurjanna
Utilization of the TikTok application as da'wah media by the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting students of IAIN Bone PDF (1287-1302)
Quratullah Qudratullah, Muliati Muliati
The Relevance of fiqh muamalah in the implementation of government procurement of goods and services in Mamuju Regency PDF (1303-1321)
Rakhmat Tahir
The influence of digital marketing on book purchase decisions at the Intan Pariwara Store in Mamuju Regency PDF (1322-1334)
Hasbullah Hasbullah
KH Ahmad Dahlan’s thought: bridging the gap between Islamic religious knowledge and general education in formal institutions PDF (1335-1343)
Muhammad Rizal, Bahaking Rama, St. Syamsudduha, Hamzah Hamzah
The determination of hadhanah rights of children who are not mumayyiz given to the father (study of decision number 635/Pdt.G/2020.PA.Skg) PDF (1344-1354)
Musafir Musafir, Qadir Gassing, Muammar Bakry, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Michra Ananda Mujahidin
A basic conceptual framework for web-based Arabic Language Learning PDF (1355-1362)
Nur Fadilah Amin, Nasruni Nasruni, Muhammad Yaumi
The Mattompang Arajang tradition in Bone regency: analyzing character education values PDF (1363-1374)
Sultan Hasanuddin, Sitti Mania, A. Marjuni, Nila Sastrawati
Public speaking training for empowering Muslim women: an overview from Teratai Village, addressing speaking anxiety and building confidence PDF (1375-1387)
Taufik R. Talalu, Abd. Rasyid Masri, Abd. Halik, Kamaluddin Tajibu, Aminulhaqim R. Talalu
Problems of Islamic education in the digital era PDF (1388-1397)
Ismail Ismail, M. Natsir Mahmud, Abdul Rahman Sakka, Purniadi Putra
Character education in the implementation of Islamic dakwah at As'adiyah Sebatik Islamic School Nunukan District of North Kalimantan (Islamic education perspective) PDF (1398-1403)
Kamal Kamal, Muhammad Yaumi, Erwin Hafid, Andi Achruh
Actualization of da’wah by the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) in the Central Papua Nabire Muslim Community: a study of cultural transformation PDF (1404-1415)
Muhammad Mirwan, Mahmuddin Mahmuddin, Nurhidayat Muh. Said, Arifuddin Tike
Awakening moderate thinking: creativity and digital media innovation in religious moderation learning PDF (1416-1433)
Syawal Kurnia, Baso Marannu
Learnability study of the use of 'pa’jojo' on the reading and writing speed of the Qur'an for children in Gowa Regency PDF (1434-1452)
Muhammad Arsyam, Wahyuddin Naro, St. Syamsudduha, Muh. Yusuf Tahir
Improving digital literacy in social inclusion-based library transformation program in South Sulawesi Province PDF (1453-1469)
Irsan Irsan, Irma Ningsih Ridwan
دلالة "النور" في سورة النور (دراسة دلالة احتمالية عند السامرائي) PDF (1470-1488)
Baso Pallawagau, Haniah Haniah, Kamaluddin Abunawas
الأبعاد السوسولوجية والنفسية في تعلم اللغة العربية في جامعة علاء الدين الإسلامية الحكومية ماكاسر PDF (1489-1513)
Jumadil Jumadil, Azhar Arsyad, Haniah Haniah, Ulfiani Rahman, Sulkifli Sulkifli
Increasing the quality of education through lecturer performance development at an Islamic higher education institution PDF (1514-1522)
Muhammad Haderawi, M. Natsir Mahmud, Saprin Saprin, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
The intersection of Islamic law and technology: navigating ethical and legal challenges in the digital age PDF (1523-1533)
Muhammad Hendra Putra
Islamic branding and marketing in the period of the new-normal: insights into consumer perception in Makassar PDF (1534-1548)
Omer M.T Alkanan, Muslimin Kara, Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari, Sabbar Dahham Sabbar
The historical study of the manuscript “Kondowa Na Bintapu” by KH. Abdul Jalil PDF (1549-1561)
Muhammad Sadli Mustafa, Ahmad M. Sewang, M. Dahlan M., Syamzan Syukur, Abd. Rahim Yunus, Hasaruddin Hasaruddin, Wahyuddin G.
The role of the Makassar election supervisory agency in the siyasah syar'iyah perspective (a case study on the 2020 district head election in Makassar City) PDF (1562-1571)
A. Inderaerawati, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Marilang Marilang
أساليب الاستفهام في القرآن الكريم: دراسة بلاغية تحليلية للجزء الثلاثين PDF (1572-1587)
Muhammad Naili
Comparison of item analysis of madrasah assessment questions between Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Rasch Model (studies on akidah akhlak course) PDF (1588-1597)
Indriani H. Ismail, Muhammad Khalifah Mustami, Misykat Malik Ibrahim, Andi Achruh, Bahaking Rama, Yuspiani Yuspiani, Wahyuddin Naro, Saprin Sagena
(السياق، المدخلات، العملية، المنتج) CIPP تقييم برنامج تعلم اللغة العربية لغير المتخصصين في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية كلية التربية وإعداد المدرسين بجامعة سلطان آماي الإسلامية الحكومية جورونتالو PDF (1598-1610)
Muhammad Nur Iman, Muhammad Ghalib, Kamaluddin Abunawas, Amrah Kasim
القواعد الفقهية وتطبيقاتها في باب العبادة من كتاب بداية المجتهد ونهاية المقتصد لابن رشد PDF (1611-1628)
Muhammad Farid Wadji, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Abd. Rauf Amin
Dialectics between combining prayers' texts and the practice of combining prayers causes of marriage wadh'i legal perspective PDF (1629-1640)
Nurdalia Bate, Muammar Muhammad Bakry, Abd. Rauf Muhammad Amin, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Abd. Karim Faiz
Determinants of science learning difficulties children with special needs over the past decade in Indonesia viewed from the perspective of the Qur'an PDF (1641-1651)
Nur Amaliah Akhmad, Sitti Mania, Andi Marjuni, Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid
Development of anti-radicalism TMSM model to build the character of students majoring in Mathematics Department at Universitas Negeri Makassar PDF (1652-1664)
Nurhilaliyah Nurhilaliyah, Muh. Khalifah Mustami, Muzakkir Muzakkir, Saprin Saprin
The Arabic writing ability of students at Islamic university PDF (1665-1682)
Nur Azaliah Mar, St. Kuraedah
The Islamic perspective on actinomycetes bacteria’s role in mangrove ecosystem PDF (1683-1694)
Nur Inda R. Umadji, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Amrah Kasim, Gemy Nastity Handayany
Optimizing the role of Islamic education and Tongkonan in strengthening religious harmony in Tana Toraja PDF (1695-1699)
Zaenal Muttaqin, Muhammad Nasir Mahmud, Darwis Muhdina, Abdul Rahum Razak
Handling community complaints at the ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia of West Sulawesi representation from the context of fiqh siyasah PDF (1700-1706)
Lukman Umar
Effectivity of the handphone user towards student behavior in Madrasah Aliyah Annur Gandasuli South Halmahera PDF (1707-1713)
Sumarno Sumarno
Optimization and Acceleration of Salam Transaction (OAST) as a leading economic leverage for the South Sulawesi agricultural sector PDF (1714-1720)
Muhammad Adi Permana Abdullah
Implementation of al Ghazali’s business ethics in buying and selling transactions at the Syahid ATK Sidenreng Rappang Shop PDF (1721-1730)
Syamsiah Muhsin, Muslimin Kara, Muammar Bakry, Wahyuddin Abdullah
Women and regional elections from the perspective of gender equality according to Islamic law PDF (1731-1739)
Sutinah Suhardi
The influence of the humanistic approach on students’ self-confidence in learning activities at the Islamic Education Study Program of Tarbiyah Faculty in State Islamic Institute of Bone PDF (1740-1756)
Harlinda Harlinda, Harianti Harianti
The roles of cash management systems (CMS) in the use of banking services at Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar PDF (1757-1776)
Alrauf Alrauf, Nasir Hamzah, Wahyuddin Naro, Amiruddin K
The evaluation of the regional regulation on the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in Gorontalo City from the perspective of Islamic law PDF (1777-1791)
Alvian Mato, M. Ghalib, Zulkarnai Suleman, Abdul Wahid Haddade
تعليم اللغة العربية باستخدام كتاب دروس اللغة العربية تأليف الدكتور عبد الرحيم لطلبة المستوى الثانى للعام الجامعي 2016-2017 من شعبة تدريس اللغة العربية بالجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية فالوفو PDF (1792-1807)
Zhafran Athaya Bunyamin, Muhammad Said Mahmud, Muhammad Zuhri Abunawas
در الأسرار في تفسير القرآن بالحروف المهملة للشيخ محمود الحمزاوي (دراسة في جهود الشيخ محمود الحمزاوي ومنهجه في تفسيره( PDF (1808-1816)
Muhammad Yunus, M. Ghalib, Amrah Kasim, Muhammad Sadik Sabry
The integration strategy of the Islamic communication interconnection in the "Shihab & Shihab" program on Indosiar PDF (1817-1826)
Nurmadia Syam
Evaluating the implementation of the operational assistance for educational units (BOSP) at SMP Negeri 1 Mamuju PDF (1827-1833)
Saharuddin Saharuddin
The trends of decentralized finance (DeFI) as the digital financial ecosystem of the Indonesian community in the metaverse era PDF (1834-1849)
Syahruddin Kadir, Muslimin Kara, Abd. Rauf Amin, Muzdalifah Muhammadun
The implementation of child-friendly schools on students’ character building at SMAN 3 Makassar PDF (1850-1862)
Andi Aco Agus, Sitti Mania, St. Syamsudduha, Andi Achruh
The Government and community synergy in forest management due to deforestation in Sinjai District: maşlaḥah perspective PDF (1863-1878)
Hamka Hamka, Sabri Samin, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Muhammad Shuhufi
The effect of assets, liability management, and profitability on company value of sharia banking companies registered in the Indonesia stock exchange PDF (1879-1889)
Ismawati Ismawati, Nurul Fitrah Ilham
Learning process evaluation in the formal diniyah education program (PDF) in South Sulawesi Islamic boarding schools PDF (1890-1901)
Kasmah Kasmah, Wahyuddin Naro, Amrah Kasim, Muzakkir Muzakkir
MSMEs as the hope of community-based economic development: a literature discourse PDF (1902-1911)
Hamka Hamka, Muslimin Kara, Irwan Misbach, Muliati Muliati
Methodology of understanding contemporary Islamic law PDF (1912-1924)
Bayu Teja Sukmana, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin
Islamic political parties in the legislative institution of Gorontalo Provincial people's legislative council 2019 general election results leading to 2024 general elections PDF (1925-1936)
Lismawy Ibrahim, M. Natsir Mahmud, Kamaluddin Abunawas, Zulkarnain Sulaiman, Naufal Ilma W.
The implementation of madrasah regulations on rewards and punishments and their contribution to character education (a study on State Islamic Junior High School 1 in Gorontalo City) PDF (1937-1955)
Sutarjo Paputungan, Hamdan Juhannis, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, M. Said Subhan Posangi
Collaboration of teacher and supervisors in increasing students' al-Qur'an reading ability in madrasah ibtidaiyah, Polewali Mandar District, Polewali Mandar Regency PDF (1956-1968)
Imran Kaldjubi Kesa, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Yusuf T.
Strengthening religious character education through al-Quran-based local wisdom (implementation at Alkhairat PAUD Labuha South Halmahera) PDF (1969-1979)
Bujuna A. Alhadad
The leadership of the village head in implementing the values of religious moderation in the village of harmony in Sorong district, Southwest Papua PDF (1980-1993)
Ambo Tang, Arif Pramana Aji
The role of Islamic business ethics in moderating digital marketing, innovation, and service quality on business performance in entrepreneurs in South Sulawesi PDF (1994-2000)
Wahyuni Alfira, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Murtiadi Awaluddin
The conflict between reason and revelation in Islamic law PDF (2001-2006)
Fatthurohman Fatthurohman
Reconstruction of Samaturu customary inheritance law in coastal community, Maros Regency, Islamic law perspective PDF (2007-2022)
Haeruddin Haeruddin, Darmawati H., Abdul Wahid Haddade
Al-Zalzalah in the construction of the hadith of the Holy Prophet (critical study from semiotics and pseudonyms to uncovering the existence of meaning) PDF (2023-2037)
Hasbullah Hasbullah, Arifuddin Ahmad, Zulfahmi Alwi, Tasmin Tangngareng
Contemporary Islamic law: jilbab phenomena PDF (2038-2052)
Elina Mirza, Abdul Wahid Haddade
The practice of parenting in the Ammatoa community PDF (2053-2066)
Hasmiati Hasmiati, M. Natsir Mahmud, Muh. Ilyas Ismail, Misykat Malik Ibrahim
The influence of leadership style and organizational culture on shariah management accounting information systems quality and its implications for fraud prevention: a study on PT. Bank Muamalat, Tbk Regional Sulampua PDF (2067-2089)
Indrawan Azis, Nasir Hamzah, Mukhtar Lutfi, Siradjuddin Siradjuddin
The essence of jihad verses perspective the Book of Tapesere Akorang Mabbasa Ogi by the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) Province of South Sulawesi PDF (2090-2106)
M. Iqbal Nasir, M. Ghalib M, Ahmad Mujahid
Law enforcement professional ethics in the perspective of history and philosophy of law/Islamic law and law enforcement code of ethics PDF (2107-2120)
Muktashim Billah, A. Qadir Gassing, Muammar Bakry, Kurniati Kurniati
Halal certificate: supporting a green economy for a better and healthier lifestyle PDF (2121-2141)
Nurdin Batjo, Muzayyanah Jabani, Fahira Herawati, Burhan Rifuddin, Mursyid Mursyid, Nurhikmah Muchlis, Zhalsabila Zhalsabila, Putry Putry, Uphy Hardin, Karina Baharuddin, Phiyo Argiansyah, Selvira Selvira, Rudi Tandi Ayu, Novi Adelia Putri, Nurhajijah Nurhajijah
Personal value in the folklore of Nenek Pakande PDF (2142-2149)
Suhartini Khalik, Moch. Fahrul Mustika, Suardi Zain
Analysis of the utilization of the collection of Islamic studies in Arabic at the Postgraduate Library of Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar PDF (2150-2159)
Muhadir Abd. Rasyid
Priority scale of the distribution of the regional revenue and expenditure budget for Mamuju Regency: fiqh maqashid perspective PDF (2160-2169)
Suaib Suaib
The paradigm shift of cash waqf: study of the parking lot of the Pontianak Mujahidin Grand Mosque PDF (2170-2176)
Waskur Waskur
Development of lesson plans based on identity and character: a case study of Arabic lesson plans in Indonesia PDF (2177-2188)
Susiawati Susiawati, Amrah Kasim, Endis Firdaus, Muh. Bachtiar Syamsuddin, Nurhastiqa Nurhastiqa
Strategies and policies for handling children dropping out of school at primary and secondary education levels in Mamuju Regency: an Islamic economic perspective PDF (2189-2197)
Muhammad Hasrul
The inheritance system of the Amma Toa indigenous community in Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency PDF (2198-2214)
Amiruddin Amiruddin, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Hamzah Hasan
Cultural communication of barzanji tradition rites in Bugis communities in Allakuang, Sidrap Regency PDF (2215-2226)
Hadawiah Hadawiah
Empirical evaluation of higher order thinking skills (HOTS)-based instructional materials in Indonesian language teaching: a quasi-experimental approach PDF (2227-2240)
Mirnawati Mirnawati, Muhammad Yaumi, Andi Halimah, Mardiana Mardiana
Transcendental epistemology in court decisions Islamic legal perspective PDF (2241-2246)
Rondang Herlina
Community participation of madrasah in increasing the quality of Islamic education in Bantaeng District PDF (2247-2261)
Salam Nuhung, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Muh. Yusuf Tahir
Analyzing the quality of hadiths on ethical speaking in public discourse in the contemporary period PDF (2267-2275)
Ida Ilmiah Mursidin, Darsul S. Puyu, Muhammad Sabir
Disaster-Safe Education Unit (SPAB) training program implementation at unit level basic education in Mamuju: the perspectives of Islamic education PDF (2276-2282)
Haedar Haedar
Implementation of extracurricular management in strengthening character education at SMP IT Ar-Rahman Makassar City PDF (2283-2291)
Muh. Natsir, Wahyuddin Naro, Muh. Rapi, Baharuddin Baharuddin
Communication development on tourism development in Majene Regency PDF (2292-2300)
Masruq Masruq, Rasyid Masri, Suf Kasman, Mahmuddin Mahmuddin
Preeclampsia in RSKD Ibu Anak Siti Fatima: effects of age risk factors and preeclampsia in pregnant women's past PDF (2301-2307)
Moch. Afif Fachrul, Andi Irhamnia Sakinah, Nadyah Haruna
الأسلوبية وتحليل الوظيفة الإجتماعية للأدب على شعر الحاج عبد الرحمن أمبو دلي PDF (2308-2319)
Muhshimannur S.
Exploring play-based method on Arabic language learning from the educator perspective PDF (2320-2332)
Susilawati Susilawati, Amrah Kasim, Haniah Haniah, Darmawati Darmawati, Alamsyah Agit, Muhammad Rezki
Implementation of ihsan values in the workplace to build personal bargaining power (study on the case of working mothers) PDF (2333-2345)
Syamsinar Syamsinar, Achmad Abubakar, Muhammad Sadiq Sabry, Srianti Permata
From glass ceilings to infinite possibilities: rethinking gender equality in the workplace PDF (2346-2353)
Vera Susanti, Achmad Syarifuddin, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Kamaluddin Abunawas, Munadi Munadi
"Uang Panaik" as Makassar ethnic marriage customary from the perspective of Islamic law PDF (2354-2361)
Syarief Hidayat, Kasjim Salenda, Lomba Sultan, Abdul Wahid Haddade
Implementation of sharia enterprise theory at the National Amil Zakat Agency in Indonesia for community economic justice PDF (2362-2377)
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Mukhtar Lutfi, Rahmawati Muin, Lince Bulotoding
The effect of sharia bank financing on micro, small, and medium enterprises and poverty in Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi province PDF (2378-2390)
Zulkifli Zulkifli, Muslimin A. Kara, Amiruddin K., Basir Paly
Implementation of the independent curriculum to driving schools in East Luwu District PDF (2391-2401)
Rusandi Rusandi, Sitti Mania, Syharuddin Usman, Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid
Recitation of the yellow book using the Buginese language at As'adiyah Sengkang Islamic boarding school PDF (2402-2415)
Fatmawati Fatmawati, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Kamaluddin Abunawas
مدى حجية الحديث مُروا بالمعروف وإن لم تعملوا به كلّه، وانْهوْا عن المنكَرِ وإنْ لم تَنتهوا عنه كلّه PDF (2416-2428)
Abdul Rahman Sakka, Rahmat Badani, Safaruddin Safaruddin
Law of interfaith marriage in Islam: analysis of the Sadd al-Zari'ah approach PDF (2429-2437)
Rifky Adji Sukmana, Musahid Musahid
Implementation of community empowerment of Mamuju District government in the siyasah sharia perspective PDF (2438-2446)
Ridho Achmadi
The effectiveness of the application of the religious teacher information and administration system on the management of pai teachers at the Ministry of Religion office of Bantaeng District PDF (2447-2458)
Muhajirah Muhajirah, Sopyan H.
Al-Marad: Sheikh Tantawi's Jauhari perspective in the interpretation of al-Jawahir PDF (2459-2472)
Muh. Khumaidi Ali
The motivation of mosque building in the prophetic and contemporary era (syaraḥ hadith of dirar mosque and takwa) PDF (2473-2488)
Muh. Tonang, H. Laode Ismail, Andi Asiqah
The implementation of the Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Program at Agropolitan Nurul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School Sintang PDF (2489-2505)
Nanang Zakaria, M. Ghalib M., Andi Aderus, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
Settlement of general election results disputes in Indonesia by special courts: Ius Constituendum perspective and siyasah fiqh PDF (2506-2514)
Chairul Amri
Implementation of school supervisors' performance to increase the professional competence of state high school teachers in Palopo City PDF (2515-2527)
Haluddin Haluddin, Sitti Mania, St. Syamsudduha, Ulfiani Rahman
Istinbath methodology of M. Quraish Shihab considering the ruling of hijab and its relevance with the traditional clothing of Gorontalo PDF (2528-2543)
Rosna J. Idrus, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Kamaluddin Abunawas, Faisal Ahmad
Amanah-based accountability in culinary business shirkah PDF (2544-2563)
Dien Triana, Azwar Anwar, Muslimin H. Kara, Amiruddin K., Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari
Transformation of digital literacy in understanding Islamic law for millennials in Makassar City PDF (2564-2577)
Ardi Ardi, Lomba Sultan, Muammar Bakry, Abdul Wahid Haddade
Anregurutta educational thoughts of KH. Muhammad Yunus Martan in developing Islamic educational institutions in Wajo District PDF (2578-2588)
Andi Tahir, Syarifuddin Ondeng, A. Marjuni, Darmawati Darmawati
Implementation of the blended learning model at Ma'arif Sintang Islamic College PDF (2589-2600)
Masruri Masruri, Syahruddin Usman, Amrah Kasim, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
Al-Qur'an insights about anger and hatred, educational psychology perspective PDF (2601-2611)
Mihrawati Mihrawati, Achmad Mujahid
Political communication strategies of Muhammad Yusuf Kalla a case study at the Poso Conflict Peacebuilding PDF (2612-2628)
Suharto Suharto, Abd. Rasyid Masri, Arifuddin Tike, Suf Kasman
The integration of Islamic education and general knowledge in learning at Institut Agama Islam (IAI) As’adiyah Sengkang PDF (2629-2638)
Abu Naim, Muhammad Yaumi, Muh. Yusuf T., Muhammad Yahdi
Zakat awareness campaign (study on LAZNAS Indonesian zakat initiative South Sulawesi representative office) PDF (2639-2660)
Mohammad Heri Saptono, Nurhidayat Muhammad Said, Kamaluddin Tajibu
Pancasila reviewed from an Islamic law perspective PDF (2661-2668)
Didik Pramono
مفهوم الرخصة وتطبيقاتها في الفقه الإسلامي PDF (2669-2676)
Misruki Misruki
Political communication strategy of Indonesian Tionghoa Islamic Association (PITI) on its members' Nationalism values PDF (2677-2690)
Syamsul Bahri, Abd. Rasyid Masri, Firdaus Muhammad, Nurhidayat Muhammad Said
Cultural message of the brave men in Tarung Sarung film by Archie Hekagery (semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes) PDF (2691-2701)
Ibnu Hajar, Kamaluddin Tajibu, Andi Fauziah Astrid
A reinterpretation of Al-Riqab as mustahid zakat, as viewed of M. Faried Wadjedy PDF (2702-2710)
Abdul Rahim, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Abd. Rauf Muhammad Amin, Achmad Musyahid
Learning the Arabic language based on the local ethnicity of Bugis-Mandar at boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi PDF (2711-2715)
Muhammad Irwan, Amrah Kasim, Haniah Haniah, Herdah Herdah, Nur Asiza
The implementation of Muhammadiyah’s cultural da'wah in Sinjai Regency PDF (2716-2730)
Muhlis Muhlis, Muliaty Amin, Suf Kasman, Arifuddin Tike, Nirwan Nirwana
Principles of sharia law on collateral in Islamic contract law (fikih mu'amalah) PDF (2731-2742)
Alhadianyah Alhadianyah
The existence of sunnah tarkiyah in Islamic fiqh PDF (2743-2752)
Zubair Rahman Saende, Abustani Ilyas, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Lomba Sultan, Abdul Halim Talli
Learning technology area an ethical study and practice in learning technology PDF (2753-2768)
Kusnadi Kusnasi, Muhammad Yaumi, Arnadi Arnadi
Juridical analysis of religious court decisions regarding the granting of marriage dispensation PDF (2769-2783)
Abdul Salam
Naqd al-sanad-naqd al-matan a study on academic papers of master's degree students of the Hadith Sciences Department at the Graduate Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar PDF (2784-2797)
Muhammad Yahya, Darsul S. Puyu, Muhammad Diyaul Haq
Madrasah-based religious moderation education PDF (2798-2811)
Muh. Amin, H. Syahruddin, H. Ambo Dalle, Baharuddin Baharuddin
Teacher competence implementation in digital-based Islamic religious education at SMA Negeri 1 Parepare PDF (2812-2828)
Abdullah Abdullah, Muhammad Yaumi, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Saefuddin Saefuddin, Mustaqimah Mustaqimah
Insightful Indonesian language learning module development qasas Al-Qur'an based on blended learning at MTs Negeri 2 Makassar City PDF (2829-2843)
Salmawati Salmawati, Muhammad Yaumi, Mayong Maman, Rabiatul Adawiah
Improving students' descriptive writing learning through poster utilization PDF (2844-2854)
Abdul Azis, Abd. Rahim, Shafariana Shafariana
Restrictions on the political rights of civil servants in regional head elections from the perspective of maslahah mursalah PDF (2855-2868)
Muh. Sadli Sabir
Assessing the excellence of personality competence of Islamic education lecturers in the Public State Universities in Makassar City: a renewal study PDF (2869-2880)
Musbaing Musbaing, Syahruddin Usman, Wahyuddin Naro, Amrah Kasim
Remission of corruption convicts maslahat perspective PDF (2881-2898)
Jumarni Jumarni, Hamzah Hasan, Abdul Wahid Haddade
Characteristics of mujāhid Interpretation in Sahīh al-Bukhary PDF (2899-2907)
Muhammad Irham, Mariani Mariani, Achmad Abubakar
The Influence of Educator Performance, Guidance Patterns, and Learning Motivation on the Religious Integrity of Santri at An Nahdlah Islamic Boarding School Makassar PDF (2908-2919)
Muh. Nurdin Nani, Muhammad Natsir Mahmud, Amrah Kasim, Yuspiani Yuspiani
Islamic religious education learning outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 2 Wajo: a view from cognitive style PDF (2920-2928)
Sutriani Sutriani, Sutriana Sutriana
Criminal liability for parties involved in football match rios in Indonesia PDF (2929-2945)
Muhammad Jahariari
E-commerce Business Through the Internet in an Islamic Legal Perspective in Makassar PDF (2946-2956)
Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Nur Hikmah, Muhammad Jauhari, Muhammad Rahman, Khalisa Lutfia

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

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ISSN:  3024-9058 (Online - Elektronik)

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