Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The region of Sindh and India from ancient times until the end of the Umayyah era
Falah Dahham Sabbar, Indo Santalia, Hammad Farhan Hammadi, Abdul Kahar

Last modified: 2023-08-24


In this research, we have tried to explain what the Muslims carried out when they entered it as preachers, guides, or princes who conquered it, or scholars working on it.  Muslims entered this country at one time with a religious motive devoid of every interest and benefit, in order to carry to its people the merciful and just message of Islam and to lead people out of worshiping people to worshiping the Most Merciful.  Muslims entered India proud of an ancient, ancient civilization, a deep philosophy and great bounties, but it had been living for centuries in isolation from the world. Thus this great nation introverted itself, and lived for centuries in a limited, confined world, not importing anything from ideas, religions and systems Trades and sciences from outside, and do not export anything to it. The Arab Muslims entered India and they are the most prestigious nation in the Middle East, rather in the urbanized world of that era, they carry a new religion that is reasonable, easy, tolerant, sciences that have matured and expanded, and civilizations that have refined, they carry with them minds Great and many, and the product of diverse and multiple cultures, the Muslims transferred to India new sciences.  Likewise, the writings of Muslims in India in Islamic sciences (the sciences of the Qur’an, hadith, and jurisprudence) are countless, not to mention the full care of the Indians for the Arabic language and history, and they preserved it, especially after they entered.


Sind; India; muslims

Full Text: PDF (274-302)