Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The motivation of mosque building in the prophetic and contemporary era (syaraḥ hadith of dirar mosque and takwa)
Muh. Tonang, H. Laode Ismail, Andi Asiqah

Last modified: 2023-10-19


The main problem in this research is how the motivation form of ḍirar and takwa in the building of mosques in the prophetic and the contemporary era based on mauḍui hadiths perspective. The purpose of the research is to determine the validity of the hadiths about the motivations of mosque building based on ḍirar and takwa, to formulate criteria for mosques that are built on ḍirar and takwa motivations based on hadiths, to reveal the differences and similarities between dirar and takwa motivations for mosque building in the prophetic era and the contemporary era. This research uses the qualitative method by emphasizing the principles of the hadith mauḍui method. The type of this research is a library research method. The data of research is processed using deductive, inductive and comparative analysis techniques along with data testing by triangulation, member checks, and referential adequacy checks. This study concludes that the validity of the hadiths about the motivation of ḍirar and takwa in mosque buildings is valid. The criterion for the construction of the ḍirar mosque is due to the intentions of hypocrisy, tyranny, and egoism, which can break the unity of the people. Meanwhile, the criteria for a mosque are built on the motivation of takwa based on sincere intentions of Allah accompanied by faith, sincerity, reaping rewards, and ukhuwah. In the prophetic era, a ḍirar mosque appeared which was built by people hypocrites. Even though the ḍirar mosque is indeed still being found today, but in the contemporary era, mosques that were built with takwa motivation were still dominant.


The mosque of Dirar and takwa, prophetic and contemporary era

Full Text: PDF (2473-2488)