Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The influence of intrapersonal communication and social support on quarter-life crisis
A. Rivai Beta, Sy. Nurul Syobah, M. Tahir, Sitti Syahar Inayah

Last modified: 2023-08-24


A quarter-life crisis is an anxiety or anxiety that occurs in early adulthood with an age range of 20-30 years. In dealing with this, it is necessary to have the strength within a person that can internally motivate oneself, one of which is through intrapersonal communication. In addition to intrapersonal communication, external or social support is needed to deal with a quarter-life crisis. So from this explanation, we want to know whether Intrapersonal Communication and Social Support affect the Quarter Life Crisis Level, both simultaneously and partially. This quantitative research has a population of all Islamic Communications and Broadcasting students at Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda State Islamic University class of 2020/2021 who are ready to conduct fieldwork practices, totaling 49 people. From this population, all populations are used as a sample or census. This research was collected through a questionnaire using the intrapersonal communication, social support, and Quarter-Life Crisis scales. The data obtained were processed using SPSS Version 20 and tested using Multiple Regression Analysis. The result shows that simultaneously Rsquare value is 0.410 or 41% and is significant with a value of 0.000. Partially, intrapersonal communication on student quarter-life crises is 60.6% and is significant with a value of 0.000. Meanwhile, for the effect of social support on the quarter-life crisis, the effect is only 9.5%. The effect has a significant value of 0.425 because the significant value is > 0.05, meaning that the impact is insignificant.


Quarter-life crisis; communication intrapersonal; social support

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