Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The influence of the humanistic approach on students’ self-confidence in learning activities at the Islamic Education Study Program of Tarbiyah Faculty in State Islamic Institute of Bone
Harlinda Harlinda, Harianti Harianti

Last modified: 2023-09-29


This research discusses the influence of a humanistic approach on self-confidence in students' learning activities. This research aimed to describe the humanistic approach implemented by the lecturers for students, to investigate the factors that enhanced students’ self-confidence in the learning activities, and to determine the impact on self-confidence in students’ learning activities in the Islamic Education Study Program at Faculty of Tarbiyah at State Islamic Institute of Bone. The method used was a quantitative study. The population of this study consisted of 474, and the sample was 83 students. The instruments used were questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique involved descriptive statistics and analysis using tests for normality, linearity, and simple linear regression. The results of this research indicated that the tendency of the humanistic approach carried out by lecturers was classified as good (57.8%), students' self-confidence in learning activities was also in the good category (57.8%), and the humanistic approach influenced students’ self-confidence in learning activities because the humanistic approach employed by the lecturers determines the level of students' self-confidence.


Humanistic approach; self-confidence; learning activity

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