Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Learning the Arabic language based on the local ethnicity of Bugis-Mandar at boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi
Muhammad Irwan, Amrah Kasim, Haniah Haniah, Herdah Herdah, Nur Asiza

Last modified: 2023-10-29


This article focuses on studying Arabic language learning based on local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity at Islamic boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi. Through field research using a qualitative paradigm, it was found that the relationship between Arabic language learning and local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity at Islamic boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi shows a symbiotic relationship of mutualism, in which case learning Arabic encourages communication of local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity at Islamic boarding schools. in South and West Sulawesi who are active in using Arabic as their medium while the local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity provides a socio-anthropological framework for learning Arabic in Islamic boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi. Opportunities for learning Arabic based on local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity at Islamic boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi are the many Islamic boarding schools that have active acculturation of Arabic language learning with local Bugis-Mandar culture and the amount of Arabic absorbed in the social relations of the local Bugis-Mandar community. The obstacle is that there are still frequent tensions between Arabic as a religious symbol and various values in the local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity. Strengthening strategies based on local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity in Islamic boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi can be carried out by strengthening the Arabic language learning approach based on local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity in Islamic boarding schools in South and West Sulawesi as a paradigmatic framework followed by methods as a procedural framework and techniques as an accommodative implementative framework in transforming Arabic language learning as a forum for strengthening local Bugis-Mandar ethnicity on the one hand and making various Bugis-Mandar local wisdom values an inspiration for learning Arabic.


Arabic learning; Bugis-Mandar local ethnicity

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