Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Optimizing the role of women’s empowerment and child protection (PPPA) Bone Regency against implications the law No. 16 the year 2019 Maslahat perspective
Rasdiyanah Audiah Syarif, Lomba Sultan, Sabri Samin, Kurniati Kurniati

Last modified: 2023-09-15


This study examines the role optimization of Bone Regency's Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) from a Maslahat perspective in Law No. 16, 2019. The PPPA's efforts to support the law, influential factors, and Maslahat's perspective on these efforts are investigated. The research implements a qualitative, descriptive methodology incorporating theological-normative, normative juridical, and sociological perspectives. Observations, interviews, and documentation were used to collect primary and secondary data. The findings indicate that the PPPA supports the law by conducting mature and structured outreach, signing Memoranda of Understanding with various agencies, and refining recommendations for child marriage authorization. However, adjustments are necessary due to obstacles such as community traditions, a lack of public awareness regarding the effects of child marriage, and unwed pregnancies. In conclusion, from the perspective of Maslahat, the PPPA has optimally protected children by preventing child marriage, thereby contributing to the welfare of the nation's next generation.


Optimization; PPPA service; implication; Maslahat

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