Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Reconstruction of Samaturu customary inheritance law in coastal community, Maros Regency, Islamic law perspective
Haeruddin Haeruddin, Darmawati H., Abdul Wahid Haddade

Last modified: 2023-10-07


This research aims to describe the concept of reconstructing the division of Samaturu customary inheritance law, investigate the practice of Samaturu customary inheritance law, and analyze the value of justice towards Samaturu customary inheritance law in the coastal community of Maros Regency from the Islamic law perspective. This study was classified as descriptive qualitative, with normative, phenomenological, and sociological research approaches. This research resulted in the concept of inheritance reconstruction for the coastal community in Maros Regency, namely to make descendants capable and responsible as the main heirs in managing and distributing inheritance. In addition, the way to apply the stakeholders' endeavors was through the revitalization of the deliberation principle so that the written Samaturu customary legal guidelines for the inheritance can be manifested, which are agreed upon and acknowledged as a whole through the socialization process, tudang sipulung (negotiation) by optimizing the roles and functions of traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, and government. The practice of sharing the Samaturu customary inheritance for the coastal community in Maros Regency is known as the distribution of inheritance to the heirs. However, the share of inheritance rights for the eldest descendant tends to be more than the other heirs. The value of justice in the Samaturu customary inheritance law for the coastal community of Maros Regency with the transparency of inheritance, practices, giving inheritance rights to heirs, and the main heirs as to conducting family deliberations in managing inheritance.


Reconstruction; inheritance law; Samaturu custom; Islamic law

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