Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Improving the quality of human resource performance through leadership (case: Islamic state senior high school 2 of Parepare)
Mujahidin Mujahidin, Moh. Natsir Mahmud, Usman Usman, Erwin Hafid, Nikmatullah Nur

Last modified: 2023-09-05


Leader is a very important aspect of an organization, a leader has the duty to coordinate, influence, and motivate the employee to work toward the goals of an organization. In term of education institution, human resources play an important role in enhancing institution quality and, further, providing quality education, which aligns with one of the sustainable development goals; human resources quality of education institution, namely teacher, also impact the future quality of human resources as they are an important player in transferring knowledge. All of this output can only be achieved through excellent leadership. This paper explores how leadership style could improve the quality of human resources in Islamic State Senior High School (MAN) 2 of Parepare, which will explicitly explain and illustrate the good form of leadership implemented by the headmaster and sub-leader of MAN 2 of Parepare. The result of this paper explains the form of leadership that shows form discipline and commitment toward the responsibility that they bear, which is the leader fulfilling the duty such as planning, organizing, coordinating, executing, and evaluating the school's overall performance. The headmaster also provides education and skill development opportunities through short courses, workshops, seminars, certified programs, and post-graduate education. Lastly, the leader shows an open-minded attitude by considering and accommodating ideas and advice from the employees to improve the school's overall quality and competitiveness.


Competitiveness; human resources; leadership; performance; quality

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