Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Exploring play-based method on Arabic language learning from the educator perspective
Susilawati Susilawati, Amrah Kasim, Haniah Haniah, Darmawati Darmawati, Alamsyah Agit, Muhammad Rezki

Last modified: 2023-10-16


Play-based learning is often illustrated as a method of teaching that incorporates physical activity in the learning process. This aims to influence the children to learn in a fun way. Play-based learning can develop many aspects of the growth process of children. This method generally influences imagination, soft and hard motor function, social ability, cognitive ability, and emotional management. This includes language ability. The learning process would have to be formal in classes, giving learning material to maximize focus. Most teachers implement this form of learning, and some assume that outdoor learning activities waste time, so play-based due to the lack of learning material delivery. This paper explores the effectiveness of play-based learning according to the teacher’s perspective, namely in Arabic language learning. This paper will also explain what educators express about play-based learning regarding its advantages and disadvantages. The result of this illustrates the struggle of educators in implementing play-based learning due to formal education demands. Nevertheless, despite this struggle, teacher perceives that play-based influence the active behaviors of the student. In language learning, this method actively influences students to interact using Arabic, especially in kindergarten and elementary school. The finding of this paper also explains that play-based learning requires teacher self-efficacy in implementing play-based learning, which is made possible by conducive organizational conditions and support. Further play-based learning in roleplay also works for older students, indicating that play-based learning influences learning intention and motivation.


Educator; language learning; play-based learning; roleplay; self-efficacy

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