Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The role of integrated physics learning supplementary of Jamala Pond as a local wisdom in strengthening student’s communication skill
Muhammad Taqwin, Sitti Mania, Andi Achruh, Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid

Last modified: 2023-08-28


This research is a case study research which aims to describe the profile of students' communication skills through the integrated physics learning supplement book of local wisdom in SMA Negeri 8 Maros. The case was the low level of communication skills of students to be triggered by a supplement book compiled by referring to local wisdom, which is the community's belief in the efficacy of  jamala pond located in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, Maros Regency. The supplement book was developed by using Four-D model development stages (Define, Design, Develop, and Dessiminate)  validation by expert. It was obtained that it is feasible to be tested at 79% content validity (Cv). Based on Gregory's analysis it was found valid and can be used after revisions. The results of the assessment of teacher's perspective questionnaire showed that the aspects of content, presentation, language feasibility were in the very good score range, the average percentage of interpretation was 87.32%. Data analysis techniques, reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions so that the communication profile of students shows that the communication that occurs between the supplement book writer (communicator) to students (communicant) are in an effective situation. Meanwhile, the communication that occurs between students (communicator) and their peers (communicants) is in an ineffective level.


Jamala pond; local wisdom; communication; suplementary book

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