Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The implementation of madrasah regulations on rewards and punishments and their contribution to character education (a study on State Islamic Junior High School 1 in Gorontalo City)
Sutarjo Paputungan, Hamdan Juhannis, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, M. Said Subhan Posangi

Last modified: 2023-10-02


This dissertation explores the crucial issue of how the implementation of madrasah regulations regarding rewards and punishments contributes to character education in State Islamic Junior High School 1 in Gorontalo City. The study employs a qualitative descriptive field research design to provide an in-depth understanding of the topic. The research incorporates various approaches, including pedagogical, normative theological, psychological, and sociological perspectives. Data collection methods consist of observation, interviews, and documentation. Subsequently, the collected data undergo a three-stage analysis process: data reduction, data display, data verification, and the formulation of conclusive findings. The madrasah implements and cultivates five core values of character education within its environment: religiosity, honesty, discipline, social concern, and environmental awareness among all students of State Islamic Junior High School 1 in Gorontalo City. These core values foster self-awareness, a sense of responsibility, and a deep and unwavering faith in Allah SWT among the students. Implementing madrasah regulations on rewards and punishments plays a crucial role in effectively attaining the educational goals of fostering students with faithfulness and virtuous character qualities. This is evidenced by the students' awareness and adherence to the rules, which have been ingrained through the cultivation of the five core values: religiosity, honesty, discipline, social concern, and environmental awareness.


Implementation; madrasah regulations; rewards and punishment;, character; faith and piety

Full Text: PDF (1937-1955)