Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Strategy for increasing the production of indi silk craftsman Sharia economic perspective in Wajo regency
Hasriadi Hasriadi, Muh Nasir Hamzah, Amiruddin K, Abdul Wahid Haddade

Last modified: 2023-08-24


This study aims to find out what the strategy for increasing silk production in Wajo Regency is, what the resources are for silk artisans, what the challenges faced in producing silk are, and whether the production of silk artisans in Sengkang is by sharia economic principles. This qualitative descriptive study narrative describes the condition of the silk craftsman business in Wajo Regency. Data collection methods are observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. Data analysis techniques include (1) Descriptive Analysis guided by the steps of qualitative research data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and (2) SWOT analysis. The results of this study indicate that 1) Business development planning for silk artisans in the district Wajo includes product innovation, marketing innovation, workforce innovation, capital innovation, facility and infrastructure innovation. The view of Islamic economics shows that the behaviour of Rasulullah SAW as a benchmark in doing business has been implemented by Silk Craftsmen Business actors in Wajo Regency, namely honest behaviour, amanah (responsibility), fathanah (intelligent), good intentions and tabligh (delivering) 2) Strategies for Increasing Craftsmen's Business What business actors do is build business networks, determine the right location, set prices according to product and service quality, select human resources according to abilities and behaviour, and support and guidance from local governments. Furthermore, based on the SWOT analysis, the right strategy to increase the business of silk artisans is a strategy that supports an aggressive growth policy (Grow Oriented Strategy).


Silk craftsmen; Islamic economics; improvement strategy

Full Text: PDF (568-592)