Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Improving digital literacy in social inclusion-based library transformation program in South Sulawesi Province
Irsan Irsan, Irma Ningsih Ridwan

Last modified: 2023-09-23


The National Library of the Republic of Indonesia encourages increasing community digital literacy through the Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation program which has been running since 2018. The target locus focuses on types of public libraries, starting from the level of provincial libraries, and district/city libraries to village/sub-district libraries. The role of the library in increasing digital literacy is to answer the problem of the existing digital divide. Because of that the library is trying to offer a solution. The digital literacy program needs to be studied in more depth because currently, the issue of digital literacy has become a program that is being driven by various government agencies and social institutions that promote digital literacy. Because of this, it is also important to see the approach taken by the library, so that researchers can measure the effectiveness of strengthening digital literacy for the community through the National Library program. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by examining a problem in depth. The stages carried out begin with a study of previous research literature related to the issues discussed. The data collection techniques are using interviews and direct observation. This interview was conducted by conducting questions and answers to librarians or district/city public library managers who act as regional facilitators for the Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation program. Meanwhile, observations were made by looking at the media used by the regional library regarding digital literacy activities. Data analysis in this study was carried out descriptively and interpretively based on various digital literacy activities that have been carried out by public libraries in South Sulawesi Province.


Digital literacy; digital inclusion; social inclusion; library transformation; public library

Full Text: PDF (1453-1469)