Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Dialectics between combining prayers' texts and the practice of combining prayers causes of marriage wadh'i legal perspective
Nurdalia Bate, Muammar Muhammad Bakry, Abd. Rauf Muhammad Amin, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Misbahuddin Misbahuddin, Abd. Karim Faiz

Last modified: 2023-09-26


Combining prayers in marriage, as in Coppeng-Coppeng, Soga Village, Marioriwawo Sub-district, Soppeng Regency, has caused an ongoing controversy about its legitimacy. This study examines the application of wadh'i law, the practice and reasons for the implementation of combining the prayers carried out by the bride and groom by analysing and describing how the practice and application of wadh'i law are used in combining prayers. The method used in this research is qualitative, with the fulfilment of primary data, namely the results of interviews with brides who combine prayers and secondary data, namely based on the Al-qur'an, al-hadith, and the opinions of scholars. Field research is the type of research chosen. This research uses a normative theological approach and a phenomenological approach to find the facts of the phenomena, reality and the basic meaning of the research. The results showed that 1) The practice of wadh'i law on the phenomenon of combining prayers for brides that occurred in Coppeng-Coppeng, Soga Village, Marioriwawo District, Soppeng Regency is considered valid based on the conditions, reasons, and implementation practices that have been fulfilled before they carry out the combining prayers 2) The applying of wadh'i law because it is in fulfilment of the conditions in carrying out combining the prayers so that it can hold the rukshah. The bride and groom pluralise their prayers for obvious reasons based on the explanations given by scholars who allow combining prayers due to difficulties or masyaqqah.


Wadh'i law; prayer combining; bride and groom

Full Text: PDF (1629-1640)