Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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A reinterpretation of Al-Riqab as mustahid zakat, as viewed of M. Faried Wadjedy
Abdul Rahim, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Abd. Rauf Muhammad Amin, Achmad Musyahid

Last modified: 2023-10-28


The study of Islamic law is an academic discipline that has been methodically developed to answer the diverse issues encountered by the Muslim community throughout history. The basic nature of bukallaf activities requires that Islamic law has the ability to adjust and meet the changing conditions and obstacles they create. The inclusion of Islamic law is necessary for the purpose of providing remedies and attaining legal equity and communal advantage. A significant issue that deserves consideration is the understanding of al-Riqa>b as a constituent of mustahik zakat, which has recently become a topic of substantial debate among ulama/scholars over its qualification as a recipient of zakat. There is an ongoing and disputed discussion surrounding the argument that the present-day understanding of al-riqab does not correspond to the historical context of the treatise period. Consequently, this raises doubts about its classification as one of the mustahik of zakat (al-asnaf al-tsamaniyah), questioning its validity. To attain justice and ensure widespread advantages within the asnaf al-riqab, it is crucial to engage in a reevaluation of this framework that is relevant to the present-day conditions. According to M. Faried Wadjedy, a well-known ulama hailing from South Sulawesi, the phenomenon of contemporary prostitutes, popularly known as commercial sex workers, can be seen as a manifestation of al-riqab. The concept of cognition indicated above requires recognition and analysis within the context of Islamic jurisprudence in order to implement the norms of legal fairness and usefulness. This study use a library research technique to analyse the concept of benefit and justice within the context of Islamic legal systems. The results of this research provide evidence in favour of Faried Wadjedy's assertion that modern individuals engaged in prostitution, commonly known as commercial sex workers, can be viewed as a manifestation of al-riqab, in line with the core principle of Islamic legal theory that seeks to promote justice and societal well-being. Based on scientific ideas, it has been established that these thoughts have a strong correlation with the goals of Shari'a, particularly al-Maqsa>d al-'Am li al-Tasyri', which seeks to enhance individual character, uphold authentic justice, and advance the overall welfare (maslahah).


Reinterpretation; Al-Riqab; M. Faried Wadjedy

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