Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Transformation of digital literacy in understanding Islamic law for millennials in Makassar City
Ardi Ardi, Lomba Sultan, Muammar Bakry, Abdul Wahid Haddade

Last modified: 2023-10-22


This article investigates the influence of digital literacy on the understanding of Islamic law among the millennial generation, with a focus on taqlid, mazhab, and talfiq. Millennials today have extensive access to digital information and resources, which significantly impact their religious beliefs and practices. Traditional Islamic principles such as taqlid, following the guidance of trusted scholars, mazhab, representing the diverse interpretations of Islamic law, and talfiq, the integration of opinions from different schools of thought, undergo transformations in the digital context. The objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive analysis of how digital literacy affects the understanding of Islamic law among millennials. The research methodology involves quantitative analysis through online platforms, social media interactions, and interviews with millennial Muslims to understand their digital engagement and its influence on their religious behavior. The findings contribute to the understanding of religious practices in the digital era. The research reveals how millennials utilize digital resources to comprehend and practice Islamic law. Digital literacy influences their perspectives on taqlid, mazhab, and talfiq. The study also highlights how millennials interact with various religious perspectives offered by digital information. The implications of this research extend to the development of effective educational approaches and strategies to engage millennials in religious discussions within the digital environment.


Digital literacy; Islamic law; millennials

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