Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Implementation of school supervisors' performance to increase the professional competence of state high school teachers in Palopo City
Haluddin Haluddin, Sitti Mania, St. Syamsudduha, Ulfiani Rahman

Last modified: 2023-10-21


This research discusses how to implement the performance of school supervisors to increase the professional competence of teachers at State High Schools in Palopo City. The type of research used is qualitative research. Qualitative research examines the natural condition of objects, namely something that is as it is and has not been manipulated. Next, the research approach is phenomenological. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods are observation (field observation), focus group discussion, and in-depth interviews (intensive/in-depth interviews). The research results show that (1) The implementation of school supervision will not run well if it only relies on reports. Therefore, supervision from organizational leaders combines direct and indirect supervision techniques. Recruitment and selection of prospective educational unit supervisors are treated to produce quality supervisory resources, namely prospective supervisors qualified as professional supervisors. With the presence of professional supervisors, the performance of supervisors in the future will be even better and more professional. (2) The implementation of supervision will have an impact on the professional competence of teachers and the quality of educational institutions, thus becoming an absolute necessity and, at the same time, becoming a password or keyword for producing civilized, productive, creative, innovative and effective sons and daughters of the nation. The desired teacher quality can influence students' teaching and learning process, which will result in learning achievement. Implementation of research that can improve teachers' professional competence should be carried out continuously through supervision. This needs to be done so that it can impact students' achievement abilities, especially at the State High School level in Palopo City.


Professional teacher competence; teacher supervisor

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