Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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From glass ceilings to infinite possibilities: rethinking gender equality in the workplace
Vera Susanti, Achmad Syarifuddin, Darussalam Syamsuddin, Kamaluddin Abunawas, Munadi Munadi

Last modified: 2023-10-19


Gender equality in the workplace has become an increasingly relevant topic in this modern era. In the past, gender equality was seen as solely a women's issue. However, evolving understanding indicates that gender equality is not just about women's rights but also about creating a fair and inclusive work environment for all individuals, regardless of gender. This paper aims to reexamine gender equality in the workplace by highlighting the crucial role of the glass ceiling in influencing career opportunities and decision-making among male and female workers. We identify existing gender gaps, challenges faced by women in the workplace, and the resulting impacts. Furthermore, we also investigate the efforts made by various stakeholders to achieve true gender equality in the workplace. We aim to systematically, factually, and accurately depict the phenomena or relationships under investigation through a descriptive qualitative approach. The research methodology involves analyzing literature from reliable sources and case studies of companies implementing measures to enhance gender equality. Our research findings indicate that despite some progress in achieving gender equality, gender gaps regarding promotions, salaries, and representation in managerial positions still exist. Additionally, the glass ceiling, which reflects unjust social norms and perpetuates gender stereotypes, hinders women's career advancement and inhibits their participation in strategic decision-making in the workplace.


Gender equality; workplace; glass ceiling; gender gap; women's career; decision-making; social norms; gender stereotypes

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