Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The historical study of the manuscript “Kondowa Na Bintapu” by KH. Abdul Jalil
Muhammad Sadli Mustafa, Ahmad M. Sewang, M. Dahlan M., Syamzan Syukur, Abd. Rahim Yunus, Hasaruddin Hasaruddin, Wahyuddin G.

Last modified: 2023-09-24


The research aims to reveal the history and distribution of the Kondowa na Bintapu manuscript in society. The research explores religious features and the use of manuscripts for the people who use them. Research using a type of qualitative research. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and document study. The results showed that the Kondowa na Bintapu manuscript was the work of KH. Abdul Jalil. The script was written several times. Even so, the distribution of the manuscripts was not intact in the hands of the heir and his students. Tracing the whereabouts of the manuscripts only found two original handwritten manuscripts of the cleric. There are also two copies of the manuscript in the hands of the siblings and biological children of student KH. Abdul Jalil, named H. Baharuddin Guni. Manuscripts are written in jangang-jangang script. The manuscript contains worship fiqh material. Questions and answers on religious jurisprudence were made in the dialogue between four birds, namely Kondo (Stork), Bintapu (Mandar Batu), Kiti'balang (Belibis), and Tarre-tare (Seagull). Shafi'i's style of jurisprudence greatly influences the contents of the manuscript. The students and the surrounding community also received Syafi'i influence from the legacy of the Kondowa na Bintapu manuscript. The manuscripts are still often read by his heirs. The reading of the manuscript is intended to understand or remind the teachings about fiqh in the manuscript.


Kondowa na bintapu; KH. Abdul Jalil; historical study

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