Last modified: 2023-07-31
This article presents a study that has developed among Qur'anic interpreters about the ins and outs of esoteric interpretation. This interpretation approach focuses more on the hidden meaning or sign that lies implicitly beneath the zahir texts of the Qur'an. In the Ulumul Qur'an literature, several technical terms are known which simultaneously explain the model of esoteric interpretation, these terms are al-tafsir al-batini or batiniyyah, tafsir isyari, al-tafsir al-faidi, al-tafsir al-ramzi, al-tafsir bi batin al-Qur'an, al-manhaj al-ramzi, al-tafsir al- sufi, al-manhaj al-tamsili and al-tafsir al-irsyadi. Since the esoteric method with its epistemological instruments is a science that can bring a person to a degree of knowledge, faith, and Islam, its presence in the study of Qur’anic interpretation is vital. The exoteric approach and elaborative relationship are mutually beneficial; the depiction is like a body and heart that cannot be separated.