Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Participation and utilization of national health insurance (NHI) for seaweed farmers in sanrobone district, Takalar regency
Sitti Raodhah, Fais Satrianegara, Andi Susilawati, Rida Wahida, Nurfahmiatunnisa Nurfahmiatunnisa, Irwan Duhung

Last modified: 2023-09-23


NHI is designed to be used by all Indonesian people in accordance with its goal of guaranteeing the health of all Indonesian people, without restrictions on gender, age, economic group, type of job, location of residence and others. The purpose of this study was to determine the membership and utilization of NHI among seaweed farmers for seaweed farmers in Sanrobone District, Takalar Regency. The type of research is a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative research was carried out using a descriptive approach based on the results of an assessment through a questionnaire about participation and utilization on seaweed farmers. Qualitative research with a research approach is an ethnographic study to examine the participation and utilization on seaweed farmers. The results of the data analysis show that the majority of seaweed farmers are not NHI participants, namely 435 people (61.6%) with the highest type of NHI being the Independent type, as much as 225 people (31.9%) of the total NHI participants. The utilization of NHI by seaweed farmers is still very minimal, as much as 176 people (24.9%). In-depth interviews with seaweed farmers do not access health care facilities when they experience illness or health problems.  Some of them are actually NHI participants, but prefer not to take advantage of it.  Lengthy preparations, transportation funds, and queuing processes at registration counters are factors that reduce people's interest in using NHI. In fact, seaweed farmers or families of seaweed farmers pay NHI contributions in every month. Seaweed farmers tend to avoid consuming chemical drugs and prefer traditional treatment, either by massage methods or use of natural plants. The participation and utilization of the National Health Insurance for seaweed farmers in Sanrobone District, Takalar Regency is still very minimal.


National Health Insurance; seaweed farmerhealth care

Full Text: PDF (147-158)