Last modified: 2023-09-14
This study aims to determine whether the Islamic Human Development Index I-HDI) affects the number of poor people in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province (2011-2021). How does the Islamic Human Development Index (I-HDI) influence the number of poor people in Bone District, South Sulawesi Province, from the perspective of Maqashid al-Shariah? To obtain data from the problem above, the researchers used secondary data obtained from the official website of the Bone Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) ( and the official website of the South Sulawesi Province Central Statistics Agency ( To carry out data analysis in this study, researchers used the Eviews 10 application. The result shows that the statistical probability value of variable x is 0.0037, less than 0.05 (0.0037 <0.005), and the statistical t value is -3.89. It can be concluded that the I-HDI variable has a negative effect on the number of poor people. Changes in the I-HDI variable will change the number of poor people by -14.24445%. The R-Squarer value indicates the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable of 62.73%. At the same time, the rest is influenced by other factors not explained in this study. Maqashid al-Shariah's conception that focuses on human welfare and poverty alleviation through increasing I-HDI is divided into 4 poverty alleviation stages: the social assistance development model, the community empowerment development model, and the business empowerment model. Micro. The poverty alleviation program by implementing Maqashid al-Shariah values per the Maqashid al-Shariah principles is described in 5 basic concepts: protecting religion, reason, soul, offspring, and assets. Internalization of the values of Maqashid al-Shariah in reducing poverty can be achieved to create benefits for the community.