Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Implementation of ihsan values in the workplace to build personal bargaining power (study on the case of working mothers)
Syamsinar Syamsinar, Achmad Abubakar, Muhammad Sadiq Sabry, Srianti Permata

Last modified: 2023-10-16


Working mothers have double roles; they are roles at work and in their families. The main weakness of a working mother is not being able to comply with some work regulations, usually like other employees. In this case, especially the discipline of working time. The purpose of this study was to find out whether, by implementing the values of Ihsan, working mothers can have bargaining power in the workplace. The indicator of bargaining power in this study is the high appreciation/recognition of the leader for the quality of their work beyond their weaknesses. The type of this research is field research, by prior observation to select potential research objects and interviews with three informants who have been direct leaders for at least three years from a working mother. The working mothers as the object of this research are those who fulfill two criteria: a) have toddlers and are without a household assistant, so they have to take their children to the office, and b) are indicated to be professional based on the results of prior observations in carrying out their duties. The results of the study show that the employees (working mothers) adhere to ihsan values, namely competence, integrity, and emotional intelligence, and those who implement ihsan values have high bargaining power in their workplace.


Ihsan; working mother; bargaining power

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