Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Development of lesson plans based on identity and character: a case study of Arabic lesson plans in Indonesia
Susiawati Susiawati, Amrah Kasim, Endis Firdaus, Muh. Bachtiar Syamsuddin

Last modified: 2023-10-10


This case study aims to investigate Arabic Lesson Plans found in educational institutions in Indonesia and from the documentation of Arabic student assignments in Makassar. The objectives of Arabic language learning focus solely on the cognitive and psychomotor domains. It is found that Hundreds of students’ Lesson Plans and lesson plans from the internet were examined, revealing a narrow focus on these two domains, with superficial inclusion of religious and affective aspects. The language learning goals concentrate exclusively on cognitive and psychomotor objectives. Data collection spanned 5 years. The analysis of this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Arabic Lesson Plan designs that are integrated with religious domains, emphasizing the learners' role as creations of Allah and morally upright individuals serving as the nexus of the nation with significant influence. Therefore, a qualitative study using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) design, focusing on religious and moral elements as the identity and character of the nation, is crucial in every learning context.


Arabic lesson plans; identity character

Full Text: PDF (2177-2188)