Presentations and Authors

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The persistence of Apparallu tradition (female circumcision) in the Erelembang Village Community PDF 1-15
Mutia Mutahhara Hasan, Surayah Rasyid, Mastanning Mastanning, Nurul Hidayat
The effect of online games on English vocabulary acquisition PDF 16-32
Dedi Sulaeman, Annisa Situmorang, Rohmatul Hidayah
Noun phrase structure of subject position in a travel literarure PDF 33-42
Lisetyo Ariyanti, Silvy Chintia Adelia, Widyastuti Widyastuti, Dian Rivia Himmawati
ICT development in shifting from offline to online assessment PDF 43-55
Dedi Sulaeman, Aisyah Nurjannah, Rilla Syahida Yusup
Multilingualism at historical and heritage sites in Surabaya: A study of Linguistics Landscape PDF 56-68
Dona Rahayu Sugiharti, Bramantya Pradipta, Deby Fitriani, Royke Adrian Askari Sembayu
An analysis of students necessities in English for communication science departement at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar PDF 69-81
Rahmi Nurfadilla, Sitti Nurpahmi, Subhan Rahmat
The Islamic ancient stories presented as motivation during critical condition in Kōbun Shizuno’s The Journey PDF 82-92
Itsna Syahadatud Dinurriyah
Aligning students' learning styles and activities to boost vocabulary acquistion PDF 93-106
Ghina Rohadatul Aisy, Muhammad Aminuddin, Sajidin Sajidin
The use of TikTok in improving learning motivation and English pronounciation skills on students PDF 107-117
Novita Wahidah, Fidella Nur Arofah, Dedi Sulaeman
Portaying Ganjar Pranowo's political persona through international metadiscourse markers in the Jakarta post: A corpus based study PDF 118-131
Muhammad Hifni Sahila Rizqy, Anggit Kuntoadji
Analyzing the integration of Islamic values in English language teaching (ELT) in Pesantren PDF 132-161
R. Medina Kusuma P., Muhammad Aminuddin, Sajidin Sajidin
Application of Google Bard as a Library service innovation: Literature review PDF 162-173
Lusi Puspasari, Rahmat Iswanto
Microsoft access utilization analysis in inputting library collection (case study of MAS Alkhairat school library Palu) PDF 174-185
Dini Arfayani, Nazwa Mawaddah, Ahmad Fatanah
OPPO: Death rituals of the Taba people (Analysis of conduct motives Alfred Schtz) PDF 186-197
Dewi Anggariani, Santri Sahar
Representation of RP. H Moch Noer stadium as a space for cultural expression of Kerapan Sape' in Bangkalan Regency PDF 198- 210
Yudhi Rachman, S.Sos., M. Sosio, Darul Hikmah
Integrating local culture and Islamic values for the sustainability of small-family businesses: A case study from Indonesia PDF 211-226
Andi Sri Wahyuni
Unveilling the future of EFL writing: A review on students' perception on AI integration PDF 227-235
Uswatun hasanah, Asman bin Mohd Tahir
Muhammadiyah's Veranda : The interpretation and implementation of Islam with progress in Bajeng subdistrict, Gowa district with progress in Bajeng subdi PDF 236-245
Hadisaputra Hadisaputra, Ansar Arifin, Muhammad Basir, Tasfirin Tahara
Design of appropriate technology training based on enterpreneurship PDF 246-255
Abdullah Basalamah, Husain Syam, Abdul Muis Mappalotteng, Bambang Driyono, A. Muhammad Syafar, Nur Idil Fitri Idris
Gesture and their meaning of artistic movements in welcoming guests in Asian Countries PDF 256-273
Syamsul Bahri, Raja Sungai Simbolon, Angelica Laurina Silaban, Fairuz Zahra Ramadhani
A strategy to establish campus entrepreneurship activities as an avenue for encouraging sustainable economic development PDF 274-284
Ali Hardana, Abdul Nasser Hasibuan, Sulaeman Efendi Siregar, Elga Nasution, Andriyana Andriyana, Windari Windari
The role of reading comprehension in mathematics achievement of students PDF 285-299
Syamsul Bahri, Marta Friska Tindaon, Yansen Partogi Saragih
An analysis of grammatical errors of selected essay in english writing class of Fajar University on Facebook group PDF 300-312
Ana Rosida, Bahar Bahar, Rini Rahayu
Women characteristics based on Tambo Alam Minangkabau written by Ibrahim DT. Sanggoeno Diradjo: Linguistics anthropology PDF 313-325
Annisa Kharismi, Nurhayati Nurhayati
Implementation of the mind map method in teaching Indonesia as a foreign language PDF 326-337
Prima Vidya Asteria, Meydiana Dyah Pramesty, M Wisnu Pawoko
The dynamics of the relevance of visual and cognitive linguistics in understanding English in the digital era PDF 338-345
Dzulqarnain Rahmat Lilaalamin, Hikma Patika Sari, Nuzul Fahmi
The expression of the author on his Mental Illnes in the novel "Turtles All The Way Down" by John Green PDF 346-360
Nur Fajriani Hamzah, Sardian Maharani Asnur, Sandra Dewi Dahlan
The correlation between students' self-efficacy and speaking performance in UPT SMAN 1 Bone PDF 361-378
Ekky Reskiyanti Amir, Serliah Nur, Sardian Maharani Asnur
Transformating resilience: Evaluating the continued relevance of Madrasah education curriculum in the face of artificial intelligence disruptions PDF 379-393
Fadli Herman, St. Azizah
The rank of imposition in impolite utterances by the main character in Sajadah Panjang: Sujud dalam Doa (2023) PDF 394-402
Safina Rihhadatul'aisy Sudibiyo, Djatmika Djatmika, Miftah Nugroho
Locution and illocution speech acts in the short Arabic movie "Hifdzul Amanah" based on Austin's perspectives PDF 403-426
Nur Hasaniyah, Madinatul Munawwarah, Ummi Hasanah, Ghana Aldila Septiani, Lulu Eka Aprilia
Implementing CLIL approach to Indonesian EFL Senior High School students: A narrative inquiry study PDF 427-443
Rima Nabilah Nuzula, Muhammad Aminuddin, Sajidin Sajidin
English language design in merdeka curriculum and its relevance to promoting independence to work PDF 444-454
Siti Saridah, Alyaa Hilmianti, Muhammad Aminuddin, Anugrah Imani
What should father do to love? Which is better between Western and Eastern fathering: Al-Quran perspectives PDF 455-478
Nur Hasaniyah, Ummi Hasanah, Madinatul Munawwarah, Ghana Aldila Septiani, Lulu Eka Aprilia
English lecturers' perceptions towards the use of machine translation tools in language learning PDF 479-492
Mohamad Syafri, Zuhra Zuhra
The contribute of Arabic language in the formulation of Indonesian cult PDF 493-495
Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Kamaluddin Abu Nawas, Saepuddin Saepuddin
Comparative study of language features between men and women in Brooklyn Movie PDF 496-508
Michelle Carissa, Dona Rahayu Sugiharti
The use Tik Tok in improving learning motivation and English pronounciation skills on students PDF 509-519
Novita Wahidah, Fidella Nur Arofah, Dedi Sulaeman
The implementation of Ai in English language teaching at UINSI Samarinda: A paradigm shift or a pandora's box? PDF 520-532
Dina Destari, Erna Adita Kusumawati
Improving children's vocabullary through storytelling PDF 533-544
Fira Ramadani, Uyun Mustary, Nur Halisa, Nurul Agusti, Dzulkifli Dzulkifli, Ahmad Ahmad
Feminism moral message as seen in The Awakening Movie (Reader response approach) PDF 545-570
Nasrum Nasrum, Muhammad Taufik, Nurmila Sari
The utilization of ICT for learning English in online EFL Classroom at the Islamic Junior High School in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia PDF 571-582
Siti Rabiah Adawiyah, Mila Kamilasari, Dedi Sulaeman, Anugrah Imani
طريقة الترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الإندونيسية في هذا العصر PDF 583-590
Adibah Luthfiana, Muhammad Hafidz Zakaria, Muchammad Rizqi, Salwa Febrina, Arini Hidayati, Siti Rasaraya Hastinda
Analysis of the impact's of Hussein Ibn Ali rejection movement on the reign of Yazid Ibn Muawiyah (61 AH/680 CE): A review of Islamic History PDF 591-608
Ichwan Ismail, Abd. Rahim Yunus, Chaerul Mundzir, Muh. Ilham Noer Hamsah, M Dahlan M, Mastanning Mastanning
The role of libararies responding to digital literacy: literature review of digital citizens PDF 609-624
Lusi Puspasari, Rhoni Rodin
Negotiating Transgender identity in Torrey Peter's Destransition, Baby PDF 737-757
Nahdhiyah Nahdhiyah, Amsur Amsur
Reconciling the postcolonial symbol in the novel "The Secret Garden" (1911) PDF 651-667
Syahruni Junaid, Andi Muh. Fairuz Fuadi, Putri Annisa
CNN'S techonology information media on coffe beans in project-based learning in Computer Labs PDF 668-682
Muhammad Zainal Altim, Syahrul Syahrul, Faisal Syafar, Usman Usman
مستقبل الدرس النحوي PDF 683-696
Sherif Muhammad Alsadiq, Baso Pallawagau, Nurul Ulmy
Leadership crisis portrayed in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" 1945 PDF 697-718
Syahruni Junaid, Wafiq Azizah, Gusnawati. N
Solar cell practicum technology information media based on project based learning PDF 719-725
Andi Syarifuddin, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Muhammad Yusuf Mappeasse, Faisal Faisal
TPACK study in Indonesian EFL Classrooms: challenges and opportunities PDF 726-736
Isna Humaera, Uswatun Hasanah, Nasrullah A, M. Jufrianto
How does professional experience boost teachers' motivation? An ecological understanding of EFL teacher in Tasikmalaya PDF 758-768
Siti Rabiah Adawiyah, Mila Kamilasari, Muhammad Aminuddin
Directive functions of language on outdoor signs in the Renon field area, Denpasar PDF 769-777
Gabriel Fredi Daar, Ni Luh Supartini
النقد الاجتماعي في رواية عزازيل ليوسف زيدان PDF 778-801
Alif Rahmat Islami, Nurkhalis A. Ghaffar, Zaenal Abidin
Cultivating character in students: The impact of English teachers' pedagogical competence PDF 809-815
Mustaqimah Mustaqimah, Reskyani Reskyani, Andi Adisaturrahimi
The advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in EFL Classroom: perception of teachers and students in SMAN 1 Cicalengka PDF 809-847
Dedi Sulaeman, R. Medina Kusumah P., Siti Maemunah
The analysis of students subjective needs in English for Journalism in UIN Alauddin PDF 802-812
Anugrah Putri, Abdul Muis Said, Sophia Sophia, Nur Aliyah Nur
Uslūb al-Iltifāt In surah al Baqarah: Ma'ani Analysis on the Transition of the Use of First Person to Third Person PDF 813- 831
Berti Arsyad, Haniah Haniah, Amrah Kasim
From "NI Hao" to "Hello": Untangling the Mandarin tongue twister in English for Chinese native speakers in Makassar PDF 832-851
Nurmila Sari, Sardian Maharani Asnur, Serliah Nur
The Effectiveness of Constructivism Methods in Learning to Write Poetry on English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar PDF 852-858
Nasrum Nasrum, Muhammad Taufik

Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Alauddin Makassar

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E-ISSN: 3047-9428



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