Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Women characteristics based on Tambo Alam Minangkabau written by Ibrahim DT. Sanggoeno Diradjo: Linguistics anthropology
Annisa Kharismi, Nurhayati Nurhayati

Last modified: 2024-01-09


Tambo Alam Minangkabau which became the object of this research consists of explanations of women's characteristics in proverbs as the guidelines of Minangkabau women in social life. This research aims to find the relationship between the meaning of the figurative language and its implications for Minangkabau in society, especially women. This research adopts the descriptive-qualitative method which consists of three main stages: data collection, data analysis, and presentation. The data was collected from a book written by Ibrahim Dt. Sanggoeno Diradjo in the title of ‘Tambo Alam Minangkabau: Tatanan Adat Warisan Nenek Moyang Orang Minang’ in subchapter ‘Parampuan Minangkabau’. The results show that proverbs about Simarewan use figurative language, such as similes and hyperbole, to convey negative traits associated with women, including useless understanding, excessive talking, and extreme selfishness; proverbs about Mambang Tali Awan describe women who exhibit characteristics such as arrogance, restlessness, and a tendency to engage in gossip or chatter about others; the proverbs associated with Parampuan portray the ideal characteristics expected of women in Minangkabau society which emphasize the importance of religious adherence, respectful communication, and the transformative power of small acts of kindness. As society changes and modern influences emerge, these ideal characteristics have become less commonly observed.


Minangkabau proverbs; women; linguistics anthropology; character

Full Text: PDF 313-325