Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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The use Tik Tok in improving learning motivation and English pronounciation skills on students
Novita Wahidah, Fidella Nur Arofah, Dedi Sulaeman

Last modified: 2024-01-11


Social media is a platform that used as an entertainment and can be used to help in learning English, one of them is TikTok. In learning English there are many students who have low confidence because the differences between writing and pronuncioun so they hesitate when pronouncing English, by using videos contained in TikTok can help learning more creative and interesting so that it can increase motivation, confidence and English pronunciation skills in students, so the purpose in this study is to determine how TikTok videos can be used to improve English language learning, especially in pronunciation that many students have low confidence. The research was conducted on 20 students at Islamic Character Baiturrahmah School and was done for 5 weeks using Classroom Action Research (CAR) method by observing the class, pre-test and conducting treatment for 5 meetings and do a post-test, the result in this research found that the percentage increase between the pre-test and post-test, it can be concluded that there is a significant improvement in student performance. The average student scores increased from 61.7 in the pre-test to 83.2 in the post-test. This indicates that TikTok videos have the potential to enhance motivation, pronunciation skills, and students' confidence in speaking the English language.


Impact; TikTok Video; Motivation; English Pronounciation

Full Text: PDF 509-519