Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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The correlation between students' self-efficacy and speaking performance in UPT SMAN 1 Bone
Ekky Reskiyanti Amir, Serliah Nur, Sardian Maharani Asnur

Last modified: 2024-01-10


Speaking skill is one of the main skills in English language. However, speaking skill are often seen as difficult, making them unsure of their abilities. This study aims to find correlation between students self-efficacy and their speaking performance at SMAN 1 Bone. Correlational research used in this study using quantitative method. The population of this study is the eleventh grade students at UPT SMAN 1 Bone. This study took 20 students using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through questionnaire and speaking test. The researcher used Carl Pearson's product-moment correlation to analyze the data using the SPSS 25. It was found that the pearson correlation value is 0.561.The correlation classification between variable X and variable Y is at the moderate level (0.40-0.599). Because the probability value <0.05 so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. This means there is a positive correlation between the two variables


Self-efficacy;speaking performance;correlation

Full Text: PDF 361-378