Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Solar cell practicum technology information media based on project based learning
Andi Syarifuddin, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Muhammad Yusuf Mappeasse, Faisal Faisal

Last modified: 2024-02-29


Learning the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model with case studies of Solar Cell problems is said to be quite effective in improving student learning outcomes in the UMI Electrical Engineering Electrical Energy Conversion course. This study was built with a literature review of aspects of creative thinking that emerged in PjBL learning. The low learning outcomes of students in the context of understanding Solar Cells is an impact of conventional learning. In this study, data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with 22 students in Electrical Engineering. Interview questions to students related to aspects of fluency, flexibility, origilality and elaboration. This research data was analyzed with quantitative and qualitative descriptive statistics mixed method method. The method used to test the effectiveness of  PjBL learning is carried out by the  intact group comparison method, namely by comparing the value of learning outcomes in the experimental class or PjBL class and the control class.


effectiveness; creative thinking; project based learning; learning outcomes

Full Text: PDF 719-725