Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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The dynamics of the relevance of visual and cognitive linguistics in understanding English in the digital era
Dzulqarnain Rahmat Lilaalamin, Hikma Patika Sari, Nuzul Fahmi

Last modified: 2024-01-10


The dynamics of life that continue to develop tremendously, can be felt with a significant increase in the intellectual quality of society. The existence of technology is one sign of evidence that the intellectual quality of society has developed significantly. The form of the existence of technology today can be felt by the society, one of which is by using artificial intelligence (AI), applications or social media as a tool to facilitate the society in learning, communicating, doing business and so on. AI, applications and social media are current learning tools that have many benefits in the teaching and learning process. So, students can learn anytime and anywhere by using AI, applications and social media. In learning methods from all circles of learners from childhood to university students in this 5.0 era, many of them are more likely to learn using visuals. The impact of visual learning can be seen and felt from the improvement of learners' English skills, either through film or audio. But visual learning is currently only aimed at kindergarten and primary school students. This research uses a qualitative study approach or uses a descriptive approach in which the basis of the discussion is from the results of literature studies through several book sources, scientific articles from relevant journal sources from previous research results that are in accordance with the topic of discussion. Research whose data results in a description of the problems discussed on a topic by providing descriptions that occur in real life. Furthermore, the researcher conducted a descriptive analysis of the relevance of current teaching methods to improving learners' knowledge and skills in English. The result of this research is that learners feel that the implementation of visual-spatial learning can eliminate burnout, improve learners' understanding in developing better English language skills and are motivated.



Learners; Technology; Visual; Cognitive and Intellectual

Full Text: PDF 338-345