Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Reconciling the postcolonial symbol in the novel "The Secret Garden" (1911)
Syahruni Junaid, Andi Muh. Fairuz Fuadi, Putri Annisa

Last modified: 2024-02-23


This research aims at finding out how the hidden garden as a form of reconciliation toward the colonialism in the novel "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1911). Using qualitative descriptive methods, this research reveals how the novel The Secret Garden exposes stereotypes that build the superiority of the West over the East in the form of quotes and narratives in the novel. Based on a table of stereotypes by Mecklin, this research displays the binary opposition in the novel "The Secret Garden" that Occident (west) is: white, good, master, pure, civilization and us. While the orient (east) is: black, evil, slaves, slums, and them. This research contributes to the Orientalist perspective. The protagonist, Mary Lennox, exemplifies British colonial attitudes, perpetuating a negative view of the East which then transmits an indirect understanding of how literature perpetuates Orientalist views.


Orientalism; west; east; negative

Full Text: PDF 651-667