Proceedings Articles
Korongtigi tradition in wedding customs in Punaga village | FULL TEXT (116-124) |
Imel Putri Dewita, Nani Nani, Suharni Suharni, Nur Fithri D. |
Maudu’ Lompoa celebration (a religious ritual event in Cikoang Takalar, South Sulawesi) | FULL TEXT (133-144) |
Nurjannah Nurjannah, Suwarni Suwarni, Sumarni Sumarni, Amelia Kadir |
Traditions of a'miraja at Bugisi Village Bilonga | Full Text (145-151) |
Nurqadriani Nurqadriani, Nusita Dewi, Muh. Nur Fitri D. |
Social media as a platform of moderation preaching to z generation based on Al-Qur'an perspective | Full Text (162-178) |
Hima Roiku Dinia, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh |
The effect of mastery of Arabic language on the quality of tadabur al-Qur'an in (case study at Ma'had Aly UIN Malang) | Full Text (179-188) |
Arief Maulana Ikhsan, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh |
Analysis of the qasr model using the devices of nafi and istitsna' in al Qur'an volume 1 and its meaning content | FULL TEXT (189-202) |
Rodli al Anshori, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh |
Designing module of English vocabulary in context using collocation clue for the first semester students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar | FULL TEXT (202-217) |
Kiki Patmala, Muhammad Yaumi, Sitti Nurpahmi |
Understand the meaning of the prohibition of religious politicization in the Qur'an Sayyid Quthb's perspective | FULL TEXT (276-288) |
Muhammad Azka Shidqul Wafa, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh |
Designing English language teaching material for Physics Education Department students at UIN Alauddin Makassar: force unit | Full Text (380-397) |
Indah Fadhilah Rahman, Nuraeni Nuraeni |
Subaltern women in Arundhati Roy’s the God of Small Things | FULL TEXT (479-497) |
Nasrum Nasrum, Akrimah Azzahrah, Nurmila Sari |
Analysis of community understanding and distribution of zakat in Paranglabua, Bulukunyi, Takalar | FULL TEXT (592-602) |
Muh. Nur Fitri Dahlan, Supiati Supiati, Nurqadriani Nurqadriani |
The factors that cause the length of the hajj pilgrims’ waiting list in Takalar | FULL TEXT (620-626) |
Muh. Nur Fitri Dahlan, Inda Damayanti, Nurqadriani Nurqadriani |
Didactical situation analysis of mathematical literacy skills based on students' learning obstacles on space and shape content | FULL TEXT (627-644) |
Badaruddin Amin, Hilmirrahma Hilmirahham, Nuru Hikmah, Sri Wandari, Andi Kusumayanti, Nursalam Nursalam |
Didactical situation analysis of mathematical literacy competence of grade viii students of Junior High School 2 South Bontonompo on data and uncertainty content | FULL TEXT (707-727) |
Andi Kusumayanti, Nurul Fajri Ninsih, Putri Wulandari Kadir, Rahmawati Arfah, Sri Ananda Putri, Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar |
An analysis of English teachers’ strategies in teaching vocabulary through distance learning at MTS Al-Akhlas Jeneponto regency | FULL TEXT (746-756) |
Muhammad Syahruddin Nawir |
Meta-analysis of the effect of model project-based learning on the learning outcomes of physics students in high school/vocational school | FULL TEXT (764-777) |
Santih Anggereni, Nur Annisaa Idris, Fitriani Nur, Suhardiman Suhardiman, Ali Umar Dani |
Learning obstacles analysis of students mathematical literacy competence on change and relationship content | FULL TEXT (778-794) |
Nur Amini Tawakkal, Inayah Indah Azzahrah, St. Aswiah, Sueti Mardiati, Andi Kusumayanti, Fitriani Nur |
Development of HOTS type test instruments to measure students' critical thinking ability | FULL TEXT (795-812) |
Ramdani Sari, Fitriani Nur, Andi Dian Angriani, Ahmad Farham Majid, Nurul Ainun Fajriah |
Development of ethnomathematics-based mathematics learning module (Bugis cultural traditional) | FULL TEXT (813-820) |
Nidya Nina Ichiana, Thamrin Tayeb, Regina Regina, Nursalam Nursalam, Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar |
Analysis of learning obstacles in statistical materials viewed from mathematics literation | FULL TEXT (842-864) |
Andi Kusumayanti, Adibah Ayu Muharrah Syam, Zahrah Fauziah Ahmad, Nensi Nensi, Fitriani Jabbar, Andi Sriyanti |
The implementation of web-based basic english grammar materials for the first-year students of the English education department | FULL TEXT (865-878) |
Nur Aliyah Nur, Abd. Muis Said, Eka Audia Tiasa, Riska Amalia |
Integrating Islamic values into the suggested syllabus at MTs Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao | FULL TEXT (890-906) |
Sitti Nurpahmi, Indah Fadhilah Rahman, A. Nurfasyila Syam, Nirmala Amir, M. Reski Novardana, Putri Ariyani Muslim, Rugayyah Rugayyah |
The effect of solvency level on claim ratio in insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange | FULL TEXT (982-992) |
Hikma Niar |
Analysis of factors causing the low interest in visiting the mosque library | FULL TEXT (993-999) |
Nasrullah Nasrullah |
Guidance and counseling management in overcoming student determination | FULL TEXT (1030-1038) |
Abdul Muhaimin R., Eka Damayanti, Lisa Nursitas, Mardhiah Mardhiah, Yuspiani Yuspiani |
Strengthening of student character-based religious moderation in Mts Negeri Takalar | FULL TEXT (1058-1073) |
Nurqadriani Nurqadriani, Muammar Muammar, Ria Julianti, Fatirisma Fatirisma |
Analyses of gender inequality in Afghanistan: women empowerment in the global challenge | |
Dwi Ardiyanti, Afifa Nurhaliza, Ratna Alfina Nurcahyani, Savira Maulida, Ulya Fatimatuzzahra |
Cyber pedagogy as an instrument for building religious moderation in virtual spaces: a digital ethnography perspective | |
Henderikus Nayuf, Hamka Naping, Muhammad Basir, Yahya Yahya |
Ma’rate culture in wedding events | |
Nureni Nureni, Syarifah Tenriani T., Muh. Sukri, Reski Pradana |
This event is organized by:
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Alauddin University Press
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ISSN (online): 2809-6339