Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Designing module of English vocabulary in context using collocation clue for the first semester students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar
Kiki Patmala, Muhammad Yaumi, Sitti Nurpahmi

Last modified: 2023-07-16


This study aimed to design a printed vocabulary module in context using collocation clue for the first semester students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The research design used in this study was Educational Research Design by adapting ADDIE approach in developing the product. This research involved 45 respondents i.e. 30 freshmen English students,5 lecturers, and 10 graduates from English Education Department at the university. The instruments employed were questionnaires and interview guidelines. The questionnaires shared via Google form link were used to gain the quantitative data while the interview guidelines were used to gain the qualitative one. There were three aspects validated by the lecturers as the students’ need in learning vocabulary in context: organization of the module, content of the module, and learners’ characteristics. The result of this study revealed the students’ needs in the material of vocabulary in context using collocation clue such as adjectives and nouns, nouns and verbs, noun and noun, verbs and expressions with prepositions, verbs and adverbs, and adverbs and adjectives due to the unavailability of learning module as the primary source of learning materials. The data about the student’s needs became the basis of the module design. Subsequently, a unit of the module was developed as an output of this study. Furthermore, the result of this research can be applied by students and lecturers as learning source.


Designing module; need analysis; vocabulary in context; collocation clue

Full Text: FULL TEXT (202-217)