Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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The effect of mastery of Arabic language on the quality of tadabur al-Qur'an in (case study at Ma'had Aly UIN Malang)
Arief Maulana Ikhsan, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh

Last modified: 2023-07-16


This study aims to describe the improvement in the quality of Al-Qur'an tadabur obtained through mastery of Arabic language knowledge. The type of research usedis descriptive qualitative in the form of a case study at Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly at UIN Malang. The scope of this research is 1) the concept of tadabur Al-Qur'an. 2) the concept of Arabic in understanding the Qur'an. 3) Implementation of activities at Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly UIN Malang. 4) Results of interviews and observations at Ma'had Aly UIN Malang. The data collection was carried out by observing and interviewing UIN Malang students who resided at Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly. The data results are then analysed for reduction and presented in the form of words based on the findings in the field. From the research, it was found that the mastery of Arabic language acquired by students had a positive impact in improving the quality of Al-Qur'an tadabur. Al-Qur'an tadabur activities that focusthe heart and mind on the holy verses of the Qur'an can be enhanced by having a deep understanding of Arabic language science, evidenced by an increase in student competency by 60% after conducting research in the field.


Arabic language; tadabur; al-Qur'an

Full Text: Full Text (179-188)