Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Analysis of community understanding and distribution of zakat in Paranglabua, Bulukunyi, Takalar
Muh. Nur Fitri Dahlan, Supiati Supiati, Nurqadriani Nurqadriani

Last modified: 2023-07-21


This study aims to determine how the public understands the responsibility to pay zakat in the Paranglabbua setting, as well as the extent to which the government has made efforts to educate the community about the obligation to pay zakat. This study employs qualitative data to examine the situation of the inhabitants of Paranglabbua concerning their requirement to pay zakat. Data was gathered through interview instruments, observation, and documentation. Respondents in this survey included Paranglabbua community leaders and environmental priests. This study occurs in the Paranglabbua environment, including the Bulukunyi sub-district, Polongbangkeng Selatan sub-district, and Takalar district. The descriptive qualitative analysis was used to analyze the data. After obtaining the data, its validity is checked by extending the observations and triangulating the sources. According to the findings of the study, many people do not fully get the meaning and purpose of zakat; what they understand is that zakat is merely an order that must be carried out during the month of Ramadan, even though there are other zakat that must be carried out. All Muslims must acknowledge and understand Zakat to rescue assets from various forms of selfishness.



Zakat; Islamic economics; welfare

Full Text: FULL TEXT (592-602)