Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Guidance and counseling management in overcoming student determination
Abdul Muhaimin R., Eka Damayanti, Lisa Nursitas, Mardhiah Mardhiah, Yuspiani Yuspiani

Last modified: 2023-08-14


Delinquency committed against students needs to be anticipated by maximizing the role of the school, especially the guidance and counseling unit. This article aims to find out: (1) Guidance and counseling management; (2) Forms of student delinquency; and (3) Guidance and counseling management in overcoming student delinquency. This type of case study descriptive qualitative research uses data collection methods in the form of interviews with the head of the madrasa, deputy head of the madrasa in charge of student affairs, Guidance and Counseling teachers, homeroom teachers, picket teachers, and students at MTs Negeri 3 Kolaka Utara. Data analysis used descriptive analysis through three stages, namely: data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. Testing the validity of the data is done through triangulation of sources, techniques, and theories. The results showed: (1) the management applied in counseling guidance services at MTs Negeri 3 Kolaka Utara is by implementing 4 management functions, namely planning, organizing, actuating, and evaluating; (2) The forms of student delinquency that occur are divided into 3 levels, namely the level of mild delinquency (not attending class, being late, bullying), the moderate level of delinquency (skipping and fighting), and the level of serious delinquency (smoking, using fox glue and sexual harassment); (3) Guidance and counseling management in overcoming student delinquency, namely through teamwork planning or grouping human resources owned so that they can establish harmonious communication and collaboration relationships in overcoming student delinquency. The findings in this study have implications for madrasah heads to supervise and provide direction and support both materially and in terms of increasing the ability of Guidance and Counseling teachers through participating in training, thus further improving the quality of guidance and counseling services in tackling student delinquency.


Management; guidance and counseling; juvenile delinquency