Conference Policies

Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.



Multazam Abubakar, M.Hum.

Masykur Rauf, M.Pd.

Indah Fadhilah Rahman, M.Hum.



Dr. Sitti Nurpahmi, M.Pd.

Dr Serliah Nur, M.Hum, M,Ed.

Muthiah, M.Pd.

Nur Aliyah Nur, M.Pd.

Andi Asmawati, M.Pd.

Annisa Shofa Tsuraya, M.Pd.

Organized by:

English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah dan Teacher Training

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Jalan Yasin Limpo, Samata, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan

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