Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The First National Seminar on English Language Teaching (NELT 2023)

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Anugrah Putri

Last modified: 2023-11-29


Assessment is an important process in measuring and evaluating an individual's knowledge, skills, and competencies. This abstract discusses assessment alternatives in assessment, focusing on approaches that are innovative and different from traditional methods. We highlight the importance of considering assessment variations to achieve a comprehensive and valid evaluation. We identify several assessment alternatives that have emerged in the practice of skills assessment. One of the main alternatives is project-based assessment, where participants are tested through real tasks that reflect real-world situations. This approach allows participants to apply knowledge and skills in a practical context, which can provide a more holistic picture of their abilities. This abstract discusses the use of technology as an interesting assessment alternative. Technologies such as simulations, serious games or online platforms can provide interactive and immersive learning experiences, as well as provide objective and real-time assessment data. We also underline the importance of considering cultural, social and linguistic contexts in assessment alternatives. Assessments that are inclusive and sensitive to cultural and linguistic variations can provide a more accurate picture of the abilities of individuals from different backgrounds. In order to improve the effectiveness and fairness of assessments, this abstract advocates the integration and incorporation of multiple assessment alternatives. Combining traditional approaches with alternatives that are innovative and relevant to the testing context can provide a more complete and comprehensive understanding of an individual's abilities. In conclusion, assessment alternatives in ability assessment play an important role in providing a more comprehensive, valid and meaningful evaluation. By considering a variety of assessment approaches, cultural contexts, and technological advances, we can improve the assessment process and support learning.

Full Text: 65 - 71