Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Cultural message of the brave men in Tarung Sarung film by Archie Hekagery (semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes)
Ibnu Hajar, Kamaluddin Tajibu, Andi Fauziah Astrid

Last modified: 2023-10-23


This study aims to: 1) find out the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myths contained in the Tarung Sarung film; and 2) find out the cultural message of brave men contained in the Tarung Sarung film. This research uses qualitative methods with semiotic analysis in order to make it easier to analyze the symbol in the film. The data collection was carried out by an initial viewing of the films, followed by observations on the dialogues and visual elements. The results of the research show that Tarung Sarung film is a picture of a man who has a courageous attitude and responsibility in solving a problem he faces in the land of Bugis, Makassar. This film contains 12 cultural messages for brave men in the Tarung Sarung film, namely, 1) gangs are not a solution to problems; 2) men must dare to take responsibility; 3) chivalrous spirit; 4) siding with the truth; 5) upholding siri' (awareness law in Bugis-Makassar’s term of sacred); 6) being responsible for one's own problems; 7) not deifying money; 8) social spirit; 9) mutual assistance; 10) learning to be sincere; 11) the assertiveness of the Bugis-Makassar people in solving the problems; and 12) the attitude of resignation. The implications of this research are anticipated to provide valuable contributions to experts in the field of semiotic analysis. Furthermore, it enhances our understanding of the cultural messages conveyed in Tarung Sarong film through the view of Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis.


Cultural message of the Brave Men; Tarung Sarung Film; Roland Barthes’ semiotic analysis

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