Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Personal value in the folklore of Nenek Pakande
Suhartini Khalik, Moch. Fahrul Mustika, Suardi Zain

Last modified: 2023-10-10


This research aims to describe the personal values found in the folklore of South Sulawesi titled “Nenek Pakande.”  Therefore, this study aims to analyze and describe the moral messages in the form of personal values contained in the folklore “Nenek Pakande,” which include (1) emotional development, (2) intellectual, (3) imaginative, (4) social sense, (5) ethical and religious sense. The qualitative method used in this research uses a library study design. The data is sourced from the story of “Nenek Pakande.” Ongoing data analysis involving data, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing is used for data analysis. The study results indicate that the folk story "Nenek Pakande" can be recommended as reading material for children because it is rich in moral values for children's character development, including emotional and intellectual development, social-emotional development, imagination, and religious beliefs.


Personal value; folklore; Nenek Pakande

Full Text: PDF (2142-2149)