Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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The digitalization of da’wah based on the local wisdom of Indonesian society
Nirwan Wahyudi AR, Umar Sulaiman, Saenal Abidin, Alfiansyah Anwar

Last modified: 2023-09-19


Digitizing da'wah based on local wisdom is an alternative effort to spread religious messages to the public. In the Indonesian context, which has a diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and religions, it is essential to consider local wisdom as a basis for values and messages in digitizing da'wah. This article aims to describe the digitization of da'wah based on the local wisdom of Indonesian society using a virtual ethnographic research approach. The digitization of da'wah based on local wisdom has excellent significance in Indonesian society to maintain a virtual ethnographic research approach to local wisdom, reach more people, adapt to the times, and enrich da'wah content. Strength is very dependent on the preferences of preachers. However, in general, and practically, the digitization of da'wah based on local wisdom in Indonesia can be realized concretely through digital platforms such as social media, websites, and mobile applications. By wisely utilizing digital technology, digitizing da'wah based on local wisdom can significantly impact the spreading religious messages and maintaining local wisdom amidst the dynamics of modernization and globalization.


Digitalization of da'wah; local wisdom; cultural da'wah

Full Text: PDF (1167-1182)