Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Digital transformation and policy anomalies in Islamic online education: a policy study on the use of online applications at the Islamic education department of IAIN Parepare
Rustan Efendy, Desy Pratiwi, Bahaking Rama, Saprin Saprin, Herdah Herdah

Last modified: 2023-09-15


This study explores the impact of online learning policies resulting from digital transformation in the context of the Tarbiyah Faculty at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare. We conducted qualitative research involving 100 lecturers and students, employing questionnaires and online interviews for data collection. Thefindings reveal that while online learning policies align with the digital transformation paradigm, their effects are not solely positive. Instead, they introduce anomalies, notably in the economic, psychological, and systemic dimensions. These anomalies have changed the academic community's mindset from traditional, physical learning to a virtual reality. Specifically, these anomalies manifest as challenges faced by students, educational staff, and lecturers, including difficulties accessing internet data packages, network limitations, communication issues, and psychological stress induced by the new system. This has led to an academic anomaly within the Tarbiyah Faculty. Based on our study, we recommend thoroughly reevaluating the policies implemented during the pandemic's digital transformation. This reassessment should consider variables affecting policy effectiveness, such as infrastructure readiness, the economic capacity of students, and the cultivation of an academic culture rooted in equity and transparency.


Digital transformation; policy; anomaly

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