Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2023)

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Implementation of educational values ‎ Islam in lempu bugis local wisdom' na ‎getteng in kahu district community
Baso Baso, Natsir Mahmud, Sitti Mania, Syamsudduha Syamsudduha

Last modified: 2023-08-24


Lempu' na getteng is one of the Bugis local wisdom upheld by the ancestors of the Bugis. Character values collect all the values of honesty, which are reflected in (ampe madeceng) good manners. This value is passed on to generations in Bugis land and is in harmony with the values of Islam, which mutually uphold moral values. However, along with the progress of the times, there are concerns that these two values will disappear. Therefore, this study aims to explore and discover the implmentation of Islamic values in the Bugis local wisdom lempu' na getteng of the people of Kahu District, in Bone Regency, which are considered to preserve the values of local wisdom still. Data were collected by observation and interviews in Kahu District, with an ethnography approach. Data sources were obtained from community leaders, humanists, religious leaders, and community members. Data analysis techniques have three stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. The results showed that the community, among the farmers, lived and interacted with the principles of siparennuang (mutual trust), siatutui and sipakalebbi (mutual care and respect). In the business community, the people uphold the principles of honesty and trust between people, trustworthiness, the openness of merchandise, courtesy, friendliness, and mutual respect, avoiding fraudulent acts, supported by the foundation of faith and piety, to create a peaceful and harmonious society. These are in accordance with the Islamic values exemplified by Rasulullah SAW when doing business, apart from getting material benefits, most importantly is to get blessings.


Islamic values, Lempu' na getteng, Society

Full Text: PDF (428-441)