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Proceedings Articles

The Relationship Between the Mothers’ Awareness and the Compliance on Attending Immunization Based on Schedule During Pandemic in Rappocini District PDF (146-150)
Cani Hasim, Azizah Nurdin, A. Tihardimanto, Purnamaniswaty Purnamaniswaty, Mukhtar Lutfi
Analysis of Absorption and Molecular Docking of Curcumin Compounds as Inhibitors of NF-Kb for In Silico Anti-Breast Cancer Drug Candidates PDF (161-167)
Endang Adillah, Syamsuri Syakri, Surya Ningsi Karlina Amir Tahir, Bs. Titi Haerana, Dian Rezki Wijaya
Bougainville Flower (Bougainvillea Spectabilis Wild) Active Fraction Test of Ethanol Extract (In Vitro) As Sunscreen
Ni Nyoman Yuliani, Siswandono Siswandono, Tristiana Erawati, Maximus M. Taek, Maria I. M. Indrawati, Lely A. V. Kapitan, Yulius Korassa, Elisma Elisma
Analysis of Chemical Compound, Antioxidant Activity, Conventional and Molecular Characterization of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Muntingia calabura L. Blossoms
St. Maryam, Zainal Abidin, Fitriana Fitriana, Andi Trihadi Kusuma, Masdiana Tahir, Venti Sulfianur H., Gina Feby S., Nor Faizah
Anti inflammatory activities against LPS-induced J774.1 Cell and Total Flavanoid content of Vitex coffasus
Faradiba Abdul Raysid, Tifania Tifania, Abd. Malik
How to improve maternal health care quality: Scoping Review
Mahindria Vici Virahaju, Anugerah Destia Trisetyaningsih
Differences In the Effectiveness of Warm and Cold Compresses Against the Degree of Dysmenorrhea in Adolescents in Pesantren Ukhwatul Muslim, Gowa Regency
Ferawati Taherong, Herlianty Herlianty, Siti Aqma Ibrahim, Evi Sri Dahrianti
Believe in Work Safety During Sea and Medicine Search (Case Study of Patorani)
Fatmawaty Mallapiang, Shavira Tenriwaru, Nurdiyanah Nurdiyanah, Nildawati Nildawati, Azriful Azriful
Investigation of Wound Stage and Exudate Type in Diabetes Foot Ulcers: a Cross-sectional Study
Ahmad Jamaluddin, Syatirah Syatirah, Hasnah Hasnah, Ardian Adhiwijaya, Syamsuri Syakri, Karlina Amir Tahir
The Effectiveness of Gluten Free Casein Free on Obedience and Eye Contact Ability, Imitation Ability, Labeling Ability in Autism Spectrum Children
Trisnawaty Trisnawaty, Yusma Indah Jayadi, Tarmizi Talib, Rista Suryaningsih
Coping Stress analysis of Students in a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Andi Dian Diarfah, Syatirah Jalaluddin, Azizah Nurdin, Trisnawaty Trisnawaty

Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Alauddin Makassar

Office Address:
Jln. H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36 Romangpolong, Samata, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan

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E-ISSN: 3047-9428



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