Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Implementing CLIL approach to Indonesian EFL Senior High School students: A narrative inquiry study
Rima Nabilah Nuzula, Muhammad Aminuddin, Sajidin Sajidin

Last modified: 2024-01-10


TEFL teaching methods continues to make a strong engagement among students in the classroom. However, current classroom activities seem to be monotonous due to the lack of students’ involvement. This research aimed to investigate how CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) approached implemented in EFL of senior high school students. Using the narrative inquiry method, this study investigates how the implementation of CLIL in senior high school can strengthen students’ engagement in learning activities especially in MA Pulosari. Secondly, this study will examine the effectiveness of CLIL in stimulating students’ engagement in classroom activity. The data will be garnered by interviewing students and teachers of senior high school level based on their perspectives. The result shows that students with high motivation in that level have a strong engagement in learning activity.


CLIL; students’ engagemen; language and content; narrative inquiry

Full Text: PDF 427-443