Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Gesture and their meaning of artistic movements in welcoming guests in Asian Countries
Syamsul Bahri, Raja Sungai Simbolon, Angelica Laurina Silaban, Fairuz Zahra Ramadhani

Last modified: 2024-01-09


This research explores the intricate world of artistic gestures in the context of welcoming ceremonies across diverse Asian countries, focusing on the nuanced non-verbal expressions during guest receptions. Examining the deliberate bodily motions that accompany verbal messages, the study unveils the underlying thoughts and emotions conveyed through these movements. Utilizing a qualitative approach and drawing inspiration from videos showcasing Asian cultural dances, the research categorizes gestures into four types – Iconic, Deictic, Metaphoric, and Beat – based on McNeill and Levy's (2005) framework. The findings, derived from 50 data, reveal a dominance of Deictic gestures (54%), followed by Beat gestures (24%), Iconic gestures (8%), and Metaphoric gestures (14%). This research contributes to a deeper understanding of cultural diversity in Asia, addressing potential miscommunication between hosts and guests while enriching the discourse on cultural exploration and intercultural communication.


Gesture; Meaning; Artistic Movement; Welcoming Guest; Asian

Full Text: PDF 256-273