Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Unveilling the future of EFL writing: A review on students' perception on AI integration
Uswatun hasanah, Asman bin Mohd Tahir

Last modified: 2024-01-09


This study aims to investigate students' perceptions of the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing instruction. This research used a qualitative approach with a content analysis design, exploring relevant research articles from the Scopus database. Sample selection involves on empirical data from the last two years and emphasizing students' perspectives on AI use in the context of EFL writing. Data analysis results from three selected research articles indicate that students recognize the benefits of AI in grammar error detection, plagiarism prevention, and language translation. This considers students' expectations for a more engaging and efficient learning experience.


AI integration; EFL Writing; Students’ perception,

Full Text: PDF 227-235