Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Conference on Humanities Studies (INCHES-2024)

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Representation of RP. H Moch Noer stadium as a space for cultural expression of Kerapan Sape' in Bangkalan Regency
Yudhi Rachman, S.Sos., M. Sosio, Darul Hikmah

Last modified: 2024-01-22


This research aims to identify and examine the cultural tourism potential of Kerapan Sape’ from the perspective of spatial production, spatial conflict contestation, and community participation. Where this research focuses on one of the stadiums of Kerapan Sape’ RP. H Moch Noer as a cultural representation and examines the other side where there are gambling practices and torture on racing cows studied in the perspective of urf' amid the rise of the entertainment business that leads to lifestyle activities and modern consumerism that is more popular and has a large profit value, this type of folk entertainment tends to be increasingly eroded and marginalized. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with an interpretative approach to the production of Henry Lafebre's perspective space, extracting data using in-depth interviews, interpreting and outputting conclusions. The results of this study state, the Kerapan Sape’ RP.H Moch Noer stadium: (1) The reality of the representation of the RP. H Moch Noer means of contestation Kerapan Sape’ in Bangkalan is good enough but the importance of paying attention to the standardization of facilities (2) Expression of the cultural space of Kerapan Sape’ in Bangkalan Regency with 3 concepts: a) spatial practice b) representation of space c) representational space (3) Expression of the cultural space of Kerapan Sape’ urf' perspective where the importance of restoring the authenticity of the meaning of Kerapan Sape’ because if in practice there is fighting and torture on racing cows is very contrary to the concept of urf'' on the other hand to increase visitors it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of Halal Tourism.


Space Production; Representation of RP.H. Moch Noer Stadium; Halal Tourism

Full Text: PDF 198- 210