Presentations and Authors

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Proceedings Articles

Analysis of Oral Hygiene Interventions Using Chlorhexidine to Reduce the Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital PDF (9-14)
Riyadhatul Jinan, Wahdaniah Wahdaniah, Eva Yustilawati, Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah
Counseling and Planting of Pilot Family Medicinal Plants (Toga) as Education of Toga Utilization In Jambua Hamlet, Maros Regency PDF (59-64)
Dian Ihwana Ansyar, Annisa Suci Istiqamah, Muhammad Haegar, Andi Susilawaty
Implementation of Hospital Implementation Based on Sharia Principles: A Study on Sitti Khadijah Hospital PDF (65-86)
Insyirah Samra, Nurfaizah Yusuf, Fahrul Islam, Zilfadhilah Arranury
Bougainville Flower (Bougainvillea Spectabilis Wild) Active Fraction Test of Ethanol Extract (In Vitro) As Sunscreen
Ni Nyoman Yuliani, Siswandono Siswandono, Tristiana Erawati, Maximus M. Taek, Maria I. M. Indrawati, Lely A. V. Kapitan, Yulius Korassa, Elisma Elisma
Antidiabetic Chewable Tablet Formulation of Tamarind Leaves (Tamarindus indica L.) And Ajwa Date Seeds (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Extract Combination
Sukmawatia Sukmawatia, Rian Iryansyaha
Patients’ Perceptions on The Nurses Driven Patient Safety Implementation: an Analysis
Syamsiah Rauf, Nur Hidayah, Nurul Khusnul Khotimah, A. Adriana Amal, Irma Irma
Development of Self Emulsifying Formulations of Poorly Soluble Ibuprofen for Enhanced Dissolution Rate
Nurul Muhlisah M, Nurul Ihsaniati, Latifah Rahman
Differences In the Effectiveness of Warm and Cold Compresses Against the Degree of Dysmenorrhea in Adolescents in Pesantren Ukhwatul Muslim, Gowa Regency
Ferawati Taherong, Herlianty Herlianty, Siti Aqma Ibrahim, Evi Sri Dahrianti
Factors Relating to Nurse's Competence in Primary Survey in Maternity Emergency
Eva Yustilawati, Nurul Fadhilah Gani, Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah, Nabila Rani
Stress Level Analysis of Students in State University During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Yudi Adnan, Nildawati Nildawati, Famawati Mallapiang, Syarfaini Syarfaini, Anita Mariani, Tuti Alawiah, A. Irna Nurul Fuady Imran, Indah Cahyani Haris
The Effect of A High Fat High Sugar Diet On Histological Appearance in the Liver of Wistart Rats During Infancy Period
Mohammad Ikbal G., Jelita Inayah S., Rosdianah R
The Relationship Between Murattal Therapy Intervention Time and Change in Blood Pressure in Patients with Decreased Consciousness
Risnah Risnah, Mudalifah Musdalifah, Muhmmad Irwan
Comparison of nutritional value of biscuits based on Ajwa dates and Khalas dates
Syamsul Alam, Hasbi Ibrahim, Yessy Kurniati
Nursing Interventions Based On 5 Finger And Murottal Hypnosis To Prevent Preeclampsia Pregnant In Indonesia
Hasnah Hasnah, Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah, Darti D., Wahdaniah Wahdaniah, Nurul Fadhilah Gani

This event is organized by:

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


Alauddin University Press

Office Address:
Jln. H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36 Romangpolong, Samata, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan
E-mail:[email protected]

ISSN (online): 2829-9647

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